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The Official Walter Simonson Page
This is a difficult one to write. As pretty much everybody knows by now, Greg Hildebrandt has departed the Grey Havens for the West. He will be welcomed there. I was first introduced to the Brothers Hildebrandt art in the 1976 Tolkien Calendar (I think that’s the right year). The art was produced by Greg and his brother Tim. In 1977, they created the iconic Star Wars poster (in 36 hours!!!) that was everywhere. So I was familiar with their work when I had a chance to write Superman: The Last God of Krypton, published in 1999 by DC with painted art by the brothers. I visited Greg’s house and hung out with the pair for a bit, discussing the story and going over pages of storytelling. Tim died in 2006, and several years later, Weezie and I started running into Greg and his wife, Jean, at comic conventions. To my delight, we became good friends. We visited their house; they visited ours, and in my secret heart, I got to whisper damnation!!! We know Greg Hildebrandt and Jean Scrocco!! Outstanding!
Greg was a very sweet man who loved making pictures more than any other artist I’ve ever known. And Jean saw to that he could do exactly that. She kept track of his schedule and so much more, creating opportunities for him and representing him with all the ferocity of mother tiger protecting her cub. Greg was a student of light and how it affected a painting, both within and without. And that was appropriate because he was so full of light himself. Enthusiastic, funny, charming, and mischievous. My only regret here is that I haven’t been able to find a photo of Greg peering over my shoulder at a Garden State Comic Fest some years ago, trying to steal my artistic secrets while I’m trying to guard them. When I find it, I’ll post it. In the meantime, this picture of Greg shows him doing what he loved to do best – making a picture.
Godspeed, pal. Thank you for all the art and the good company and most of all, for the wonderful friendship. All our love, Greg, to you and Jean. In our hearts forever.
Tem várias artes de livros clássicos e de trabalhos pra Marvel. Enfim, um currículo muito rico e enorme.Joguei no google e ele tem umas ilustrações bem legais de Star Wars também.
Esse Aragorn Álvares Cabral é demais.
Só dei um quote num post, mas não usei nenhum navegador diferente. Aqui tá aparecendo normal.Fúria aderiu às mensagens fantasmas?
Arruma essa cor da fonte, furioso.
Tá com a fonte branca, selecionada pra ficar branca. No fundo padrão do fórum ela desaparece. Acho que é algum resquício daquela vez que você tirou uma onda com o outro usuário lá.Só dei um quote num post, mas não usei nenhum navegador diferente. Aqui tá aparecendo normal.
o poster clássico de Uma Nova Esperança é dele se não me engano.Tem várias artes de livros clássicos e de trabalhos pra Marvel. Enfim, um currículo muito rico e enorme.
Triste ver que existe uma tendência de se recorrer a inteligência artificial e dispensar a criatividade e a qualidade desses excelentes profissionais que deram uma contribuição gigantesca pra Literatura.
Botei um laranjinha só pra ninguém reclamarTá com a fonte branca, selecionada pra ficar branca. No fundo padrão do fórum ela desaparece. Acho que é algum resquício daquela vez que você tirou uma onda com o outro usuário lá.