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Novo filme: animação sobre Helm e a guerra dos Rohirrim

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Tomara que a Disney compre os direitos de toda a criação do Tolkien algum dia e faça dez séries e muitos filmes, só pra ver a bagunça que farão. :hxhx:
Que eles te ouçam! :lol:
Até porque o universo tolkieniano dá pra render muito mais produções que SW em quantidade e peneirando acho impossível que não tenham algumas de boa qualidade.
Atualização com imagens da Animação "A Guerra dos Rohirrim!




Parece que teremos "Girl Power" aqui também. Tomara que a filha de Helm seja similar à filha de Alfredo, o grande: Æthelflæd

Mas, do jeito que panfletagem tá grande, bem capaz de, novamente, vermos muito empoderamento, força feminina e "Girlboss". Realmente, não aprendem.

Os traços me lembraram uma sugestão da I.A do que seria o SDA em anime:

Última edição:
Não curti muito o traço, mas tudo bem. Tô com expectativas maiores do que em relação à 2ª temporada de RoP.

War of the Rohirrim images and an EXCLUSIVE interview​

June 11th, 2024 by greendragon

Today in Annecy attending press were treated to glimpses of the upcoming film The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim. TORn didn’t have anyone present there, but the good folks at Warner Bros. were kind enough to share with us some of the first movie images being revealed; and we had a chance to sit down again, before Annecy, with producer Philippa Boyens, to chat some more about this hotly anticipated movie – and other returns to Middle-earth, coming in the future.
Feast your eyes on the images! And enjoy the conversation between Boyens and staffer greendragon.
GD: Hi Philippa, thanks for taking this time – and it’s very, very exciting to see some images. We all just can’t wait to see it and are excited for what’s going to be revealed at Annecy – and these three images that we have to look at. So, I have a million questions but can we plunge straight into the images?
PB: Absolutely.
HÉRA voiced by GAIA WISE in New Line Cinema’s and Warner Bros. Animation’s epic anime adventure “THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.
Photo Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures
GD: Great. I’m looking at the first one that was sent to me, which presumably is Hera, our heroine. And the first thing I have to ask you – and I don’t know if you’re going to be able to answer this question: is that Herugrim that we see in her hand there? Is that the 500-year-old heirloom of Rohan that ends up with Theoden?
PB: Well, given some of the concept artists that were involved in this film, I would say that’s probably a pretty good guess. You know the attention to detail that those guys go into. So people like Daniel Falconer and, of course, John Howe, Alan Lee, you know. And then the brilliant Japanese concept artists, not just animators but concept artists as well, have worked on this. We’ve just been spoiled, honestly, absolutely spoiled.
GD: I can well imagine! Talk to me a little bit about this character Hera, because I’ve been fascinated by some of the things I’ve read that you’ve said in other interviews, about her being inspired somewhat by the Lady of the Mercians, Aethelflaed. And your talk of that reminded me also of Matilda, the daughter of Henry I, who was known as Lady of the English. So we’ve got these early medieval women who did not end up ruling, but who kept the country together in these powerful, strong ways. And clearly in this image, Hera is being very fierce. It looks like her sword is touching someone’s shoulder that we’re just seeing in the edge of the picture. Tell me a little bit about this strong female character that I’m very excited to see.
PB: Yes, she is a strong female character; but what I really love about her, she’s a very real female character – which I think is a strength of what Professor Tolkien did with the Rohirrim, and we’ve drawn on that. Eowyn was drawn so beautifully. I mean, you know, of course, with Galadriel and Arwen, you’re dealing with immortals, you’re dealing with the quality of, I was going to say the fae, but I won’t say that, but that otherworldly quality that is inherent in the elves. With Eowyn, I always felt that she was drawn in a very real way. And so we’ve kind of tried to continue in that tradition.
She’s not named in the books and we do point that out – I won’t tell you how! – but I do think it’s interesting that often women remain unnamed. There’s an unnamed daughter in Beowulf, for example. That was immediately intriguing; but what i do say is i don’t feel in any way that Professor Tolkien was slighting that character in not naming her. I think he hadn’t gotten around to telling that part of the story; and i do believe that if he had told that part of the story, given that he was a Mercian of sorts himself, how could he not perhaps have drawn on alfred the great’s daughter? And so she felt authentic. Although, having said that, I know he also said that the Rohirrim were not pure Anglo-Saxon derivatives, you know, there’s a lot of other facets to them – including his own imagination that he drew upon.
But I’m so glad you mentioned Matilda, because I think in the same vein, you’re absolutely right, that somehow they had the facility to hold their people together without necessarily having the title of ruler. They were leaders because they showed leadership and courage when it was needed. It’s resilience, you know, often time and time again, they show something special and save their people. , I think that that was one of the things that drew us to her.
And we wanted to make sure that she was as authentically human as she could be. So she’s not without doubts. She’s not without fears. She is constrained by the strictures of the society in which she’s been brought up. She’s beloved by her father – we know that from the very beginning of the storytelling. This is what we’ve come up with, you know; because we have known brothers. We have Haleth and Hama. And we can imagine who they are. And so when it came to Hera, we thought it would be interesting that just as Théoden had that relationship with Éowyn, that kind of the interesting thing following that thread through with Helm. First he loses Haleth, he loses Hama, he loses all his sons.
And although Hera is, you know, growing up – we killed off the mother, by the way, because she’s not named either. So we imagined her growing up, raised by a warrior king, alongside two brothers who, you know, there would be a genuinely tomboyishness to her nature, that she was allowed to have a bit of a free reign when she was younger. But when it comes down to it, especially now that she’s getting older, she comes face to face with the fact that, you know what, there are strictures in this society and there are roles for women in this society that her father still expects her to fulfill.
So, sure, he let her have a bit of a free reign and she was a bit of a wild child growing up,but never once did Helm think she would do anything other than that. and fulfill her duties and so it’s really interesting that that is part of his journey of his character to sort of suddenly discover that his daughter is stronger than he knew, which is really interesting. I love the relationship between those two characters that we’ve managed to find in there.
HALETH Voiced by BENJAMIN WAINWRIGHT and HAMA voiced by YAZDAN QAFOURI in New Line Cinema’s and Warner Bros. Animation’s epic anime adventure “THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.
Photo Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures
GD: And great actors voicing those two characters. [Brian Cox and Gaia Wise]
PB: Oh, my God, wonderful. Honestly, I don’t think anyone else genuinely could have played Hera, but Gaia Wise, she was perfect. She has all of the elements that you want. She’s got so much life in her, and she has that tomboyishness to her, but she also has a kind of, she’s full of curiosity. She’s very intelligent. She’s got a great sense of humor, and so she’s quick, and she’s got a ready laugh, and I can imagine a little bit of wildness about her, but she’s got a heart. You know, that was the thing that got her – she’s got a huge heart.
She fell off her bike. (I hope she doesn’t mind me telling you this!) She got, because she was biking to the ADR session to do some recording, and she actually came off. She got knocked off her bike. She had a big graze on her leg, and I was appalled. I was like, oh, my God, we’ve got to do something. It was absolutely determined to just keep going because I think she was focused. Of course. She was in the zone. She felt, no, look, it’s going to be fine. I’m not, you know, nothing’s broken. And she just got straight into it, and I was just looking at her thinking. Oh my God, you are Hera. The warrior.
GD: I’m looking at the third image we saw, of Wulf outside. He certainly looks like a Dunlending, with the dark hair. I’m looking at that sort of darkness. And you were just saying before about how the Rohirrim are people, they are humans and they have a reality to them and a human quality that, of course, we don’t get in the immortals, the Maiar, the Elves. This is a tale of men.
WULF voiced by LUKE PASQUALINO New Line Cinema’s and Warner Bros. Animation’s epic anime adventure “THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.
Photo Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures
PB: What’s fascinating is the choices that Wulf makes. There is a moment, I think, where he could have, you know, conquering Edoras, if he’d settled down and become a good and wise ruling king, none of this history would have been spoken of. You know, it would have been a challenge by one lord to a lord whose time had potentially passed.
And, given the culture, (which, again, we set up very early on), this is a people who, although he is a king, they are subservient to Gondor, that in itself creates certain levels of tensions; and that although he is a king, he rules by consent, not by right. And so Wulf, if he’d made the right choices, it would have been a different story.
He doesn’t. He makes other choices, and they’re very interesting choices – and where those choices come from is really fascinating. He’s one of my favourite characters ever that we’ve ever created. He and Hera are so strong. They’re wonderful.
And, of course, Brian Cox is just brilliant as Helm. I have to say, no surprise! Unsurprisingly brilliant, which is fantastic for us and for the fans. I think they’re just going to love him.
GD: So with Annecy coming up – which is very exciting… Of course, we’re all reeling with excitement of the news of the ‘Hunt for Gollum’ movie. And I see that Andy Serkis is going to be there to host a panel with you, at Annecy. I noticed looking back on last year’s Annecy that in an interview there, you said that this movie and this story, this animated film, would be ‘a good way back into’ the world of Middle-earth. Did you have an inkling then that this (The War of the Rohirrim) was, to quote Gandalf, the falling of small stones that would start an avalanche? Did you think there was going to be more coming?
PB: Yes, I did. I did. I myself personally felt up for it. It was one of those things where you go back to something that, I mean, you know, you can lose yourself sometimes in making a film. And you kind of lose, you know, I’ve always found that the books were my comfort read. They were the thing that I always had that I could fall into. And in a way, doing the films destroyed that to a certain level.
What was interesting is going back into this and going back into a part of the story that was so fresh to me. And I think it’s going to be fresh to the audience and yet familiar, which is also brilliant. It re-energized me. I don’t know what it was, but it made me think, you know what – I do love telling stories within this world. It feels like a natural fit.
And I love the passion of the fans. I genuinely mean that, absolutely. You can tell all the members of the Torn community of TheOneRing that they’re always sitting on my shoulder.
GD: But in a good way!
PB: In the best possible way. Because, you know, you’ve got to have such respect for the passion that’s involved there. And I think it’s entirely appropriate and we should be held to a really high standard. And I think Kenji Kamiyama has not only met that standard, he’s smashed it. He had the bar and then he smashed his way through it and set it somewhere even higher. So it’s fantastic. Can’t wait for you guys to see it.
GD: We can’t wait to see it. It’s so exciting. You know, this year, TheOneRing.net is 25 years old. It’s our silver anniversary! Who would have thought we would be not only still going, but here having the chance to talk to you about new projects. It’s the gift that keeps on giving! Our staffer Demosthenes [who chatted with PB before] asked me to just casually ask you, are we going to see Saruman?
PB: [laughs] I can neither confirm nor deny that! I really can’t. I think he’s, I have to tell you, he’s very acute and perceptive – and some of the things that he was supposing were very much on the money in terms of when he saw the mumaks and things like that. And I thought that was really interesting. But that one I’m not giving him. Tell him I’m sorry!
GD: I’ll tell him! Well, it’s so great to talk, Philippa. Have a great time in Annecy, and I hope we can connect again; and we just can’t wait for everything that’s coming up. Thank you so much.
PB: I’m always happy to talk to you guys, absolutely.

Huge thanks to Philippa Boyens, and to Warner Bros. for affording us this exclusive interview. A closer look at these first images is coming soon!​

Última edição:
Eu sempre achei que um dos melhores traços pra adaptar Tolkien pra anime era o de Lady of Pharis feito pela Akihiro Yamada:

Eu consigo ver um bocadinho da influência aparecendo aí em cima

E era inevitável que a influência das Crônicas de Lodoss e do character design de Nobuteru Yuki iria aparecer tb:

Diversos exemplos de Senhor dos Anéis mangático aqui:

Última edição:
Salve, galera.

Olha, até eu que não sou muito fã de anime fiquei bem animado! (bah dum tss - péssimo, eu sei) Pelo trailer parece que será beeem épico!
Atualização com imagens da Animação "A Guerra dos Rohirrim!

Ver anexo 99203

Ver anexo 99204

Ver anexo 99205

Parece que teremos "Girl Power" aqui também. Tomara que a filha de Helm seja similar à filha de Alfredo, o grande: Æthelflæd

Mas, do jeito que panfletagem tá grande, bem capaz de, novamente, vermos muito empoderamento, força feminina e "Girlboss". Realmente, não aprendem.

Os traços me lembraram uma sugestão da I.A do que seria o SDA em anime:

Os cara não podem ver UMA mulher que ja saem destilando ódio e falando m. A única obra adaptada de Tolkien que deu um maior empoderamento feminino foi justamente SDA do PJ em que meteu Arwen no lugar de Glorfindel e até mesmo ela lutando em Helms Deep, mas dai ficam caladinho ne... nos poupe, unica mulher q esses cara n devem ter medo é da vó que criou eles
Os cara não podem ver UMA mulher que ja saem destilando ódio e falando m. A única obra adaptada de Tolkien que deu um maior empoderamento feminino foi justamente SDA do PJ em que meteu Arwen no lugar de Glorfindel e até mesmo ela lutando em Helms Deep, mas dai ficam caladinho ne... nos poupe, unica mulher q esses cara n devem ter medo é da vó que criou eles
Ufa, que bom que eu ainda vivo num país que ainda permite a existência de um fórum/site livre para poder destilar tanto ódio e falar tanta m...

Tomara que Alexandre de Moraes não veja esse post e me censure/peça o fim do meu perfil, já que a liberdade de expressão é o binômio liberdade X responsabilidade.

Lhe peço, não me denuncie e nem perca 30 segundos, gastando impulsos elétricos no cérebro, tendo raiva (ou desprezo) de um post que "teme o empoderamento, liberdade, força das mulheres", e o fim dos direitos e conquistas que as Mulheres adquiriram com tanto sangue dado durante a história.

Tenho é pena da lacração que se apoderou de um conceito que era tão bem feito antigamente: Girl Power (Leia, Ripley, Eowyn, Arwen, etc). Pena, por ver um conceito tristemente usado de forma panfletária, e que é estragado, infelizmente.

Daí, um filme ou série, que use o conceito de Girl Power, vai ser visto como algo ruim, mesmo que não seja. Vide o filme da Furiosa (que eu gostei), mas flopou (dentre outros motivos) por causa desse medo.
Última edição:
que bom que eu ainda vivo num país que ainda permite a existên
Ufa, que bom que eu ainda vivo num país que ainda permite a existência de um fórum/site livre para poder destilar tanto ódio e falar tanta m...

Tomara que Alexandre de Moraes não veja esse post e me censure/peça o fim do meu perfil, já que a liberdade de expressão é o binômio liberdade X responsabilidade.

Lhe peço, não me denuncie e nem perca 30 segundos, gastando impulsos elétricos no cérebro, tendo raiva (ou desprezo) de um post que "teme o empoderamento, liberdade, força das mulheres", e o fim dos direitos e conquistas que as Mulheres adquiriram com tanto sangue dado durante a história.

Tenho é pena da lacração que se apoderou de um conceito que era tão bem feito antigamente: Girl Power (Leia, Ripley, Eowyn, Arwen, etc). Pena, por ver um conceito tristemente usado de forma panfletária, e que é estragado, infelizmente.

Daí, um filme ou série, que use o conceito de Girl Power, vai ser visto como algo ruim, mesmo que não seja. Vide o filme da Furiosa (que eu gostei), mas flopou (dentre outros motivos) por causa desse medo.
E tu então sabe que o suposto "Girl Power" da animação não é tao bem feito igual antigamente baseado em uma imagem de uma mulher anônima? Parabéns!!! Tu tem uma visão diferenciada mesmo, precisa nem assistir
ⓘ 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵á𝘳𝘪𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘰 𝘱𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢çã𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰 𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘦𝘴 ⓘ
A Guerra de Rohirrim estreia em 12 de dezembro nos cinemas.

Mas, vendo aqui nas mensagens anteriores, percebi que essa mesma data já estava sendo dada lá em janeiro, como aparece no tópico do Deriel:
O que me leva a indagar: por que o Deriel criou outro tópico para o mesmo desenho? Por que este tópico aqui está criado no quadro dedicado à serie da Amazon? :timido: Vamos organizar o bagulho, galera? Área Tolkien não é minha praia, então deixo com vocês.
Um sanguinho aqui e só:


Aparentemente, o rating vai ficar bem baixinho pro público ser amplo.

A martelada derrubou, mas vai ter velório:


Limpou rapidinho:


Rejeitado pela gata e com o pai morto nos braços:


O rage do cara vai ser do balacobaco.

Valinor 2023

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