Caro Visitante, por que não gastar alguns segundos e criar uma Conta no Fórum Valinor? Desta forma, além de não ver este aviso novamente, poderá participar de nossa comunidade, inserir suas opiniões e sugestões, fazendo parte deste que é um maiores Fóruns de Discussão do Brasil! Aproveite e cadastre-se já!
Eu não me conformo com essa idéia de elfos insossos
Pqp, o Quenta Silmarillion (o coração do Silma) - protagonizado principalmente pelos elfos - é sangue, lágrimas, desespero e paixão, quer dizer, é o CONTRÁRIO de insipidez, nénão?
Por essa passagem do texto dá a entender que a mistura não tinha sido só na Casa de Imrahil, mas sim que tinha ocorrido muitos casamentos entre Homens x Elfas e Elfos x Mulheres."havia em Gondor um elemento pequeno, mas importante, de natureza totalmente extraordinária: uma povoação Eldarin"
Minha propria citação vai contra mim ler rapido demais é uma bosta kkkEm nota escrita em dezembro de 1972 ou mais tarde, e entre os últimos escritos de meu pai sobre o tema da Terra-média, há um exame do traço élfico entre os homens, com relação ao fato de que é observável por serem imberbes aqueles de tal ascendência (ser imberbe era característica de todos os elfos); e aqui se observa, em relação à casa principesca de Dol Amroth, que “essa linhagem tinha um traço élfico especial, de acordo com suas próprias lendas” (com uma referência ao diálogo entre Legolas e Imrahil em O Retorno do Rei, V, IX, citado acima).
Ora, que Sauron possuía conhecimentos de engenharia, isso é indubitável, sendo ele um dos (ou mais poderoso) dos Maiar de Aulë, conhecedor de grande parte da tradição do seu povo, seria bem provável que os ensinamentos que ele repassara aos Númenoreanos seria a única forma do exército de Ar-pharazon por os pés em Aman, conforme a análise das seguintes passagens da própria Akallabêth:
"E se vocês quisessem empreender essa viagem e, escapando a todas as ciladas e armadilhas, chegassem com efeito a Aman, o Reino Abençoado, de pouco isso lhes valeria." (Akallabêth - 336).
Mesmo com os encantamentos de sombras e ciladas (que outrora impediram a chegada dos marinheiros mandado por Círdan na 1ª era), ainda assim fora possível que a frota do rei dourado atravessassem tais barreiras, mas como? Seria alguma feitiçaria colocadas por Sauron nos próprios navios? Bem, é matéria de discussão, mas um fato que passa meio que desapercebido é que parece que mesmo os integrantes dos poderosos exércitos dos Valar, que participaram da Guerra da Ira, fugiram dos Númenoreanos: "E um exército de Númenorianos armou um enorme acampamento perto de Túna, de onde todos os eldar haviam fugidos." (Akallabêth - 355).
Ilmarinen,pude notar, após retomar meu velho interesse pelas obras de Tolkien, que há um consenso de que os elfos são aquilo que o professor gostaria que a humanidade fosse. E que os escritos, onde isto fica mais claro, são aqueles produzidos em seus últimos anos de vida. As razões, apontadas para tal fato são várias, e uma dentre elas é muito interessante, pois, segundo alguns de seus estudiosos, Tolkien deplorava ser cultuado pela contracultura da década de 60 (hippies, sexo, drogas, rock and roll, feminismo, luta pelos direitos dos homossexuais etc).
They made him go across the water to them, wading, for it came only to his knees. He would have fallen at their feet but they would not let him. They rose to meet him and both kissed him, mouth to mouth and heart to heart as equals embrace. They would have made him sit between them, but when they saw that this troubled him they let it be. He went and sat down on the level ground, below them, and a little to the left. From there he faced the assembly - the huge shapes of the gods and the concourse of beasts. And then the Queen spoke.
“Those are the golden sessions, when our slippers are on, our feet spread out towards the blaze and our drinks at our elbows; when the whole world, and something beyond the world, opens itself to our minds as we talk; and no one has any claim or responsibility for another, but all are freemen and equals as if we had first met an hours ago, while at the same time an Affection mellowed by the years enfolds us. Life – natural life – has no better gift to give.”" (The Four Loves, 1960)
“What were the women doing meanwhile? How should I know? I am a man and never spied on the mysteries of the Bona Dea.” (The Four Loves, 1960)
“Friendship of this kind was remarkable, and at the same time entirely natural and inevitable. It was not homosexual (Lewis dismisses that suggestion with deserved ridicule), yet it excluded women. … if we have ever enjoyed a friendship of that sort we shall know exactly what it was about. And even if that fails us, we can find something of it expressed in The Lord of the Rings.” (Carpenter, 2002)
While reading a new book about Lewis, I stumbled across the fact that one of CS Lewis' best friends throughout life was gay. The author mentions that CS Lewis' "pronouncements on homosexuality were notably doubt because Arthur Greeves, his best friend from boyhood, was homosexual (p.128).
Tolkien, de fato, comentou que ele tinha um "deplorável culto", quando os fãs hippongos dos anos sessenta nos EUA começaram a fazer coisas como ligar pra ele de madrugada, ignorando a diferença do fuso horário. Mas não consta que Tolkien, alguma vez, expressou, verbalmente ou por escrito, repúdio à cooptação de sua obra como bandeira pros movimentos ecológicos, hippies ou não, dos anos sessenta, ou mesmo que a identificação de certos segmentos específicos com sua obra fosse algo indesejável.
Muito bem lembrado, Tolkien também é apontado por alguns como um dos inspiradores dos modernos movimentos ecológicos.
Textos interessante sobre o tema:>
In Collegian
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Lewis On Homosexuality
Hey everyone! Welcome to October, which if you disregard the Halloween stuff is probably one of my favorite months! The weather is beautiful outside, Fall Break is just around the corner (I have nothing planned... and that feels awesome!) and I updated my music for the month as well (though I'm still reading through Kim as steadily as I can, so the book list might stay that way for a while). Also, I added a new comment policy, since I think it's a good idea for a blogger to do. Please take a note of it before you comment.
I've been meaning to write today's post for several months, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I came across this letter through a friend of mine, and it's from one of my favorite authors: the Christian apologist C.S. Lewis. I'm not exaggerating when I say that this man's writings helped me become a serious Christian (most notably The Screwtape Letters), so obviously I have a great amount of respect for him, and I was curious what his views were on homosexuality.
I was sure he'd be traditional in regards to sexual behavior. I am too. But I was curious about what his attitude would be concerning today's identity politics and ex-gay squabbles. Of course, the world was a very different place back when he was writing, and those things didn't even exist, but I was hoping I could glean something from his attitude and apply it to today. Turns out he seemed to be ahead of his time, and almost addresses those issues directly, though he also, of course, is limited by his own time period and lack of experience with the subject of homosexuality.
Here's the letter in full. I was thinking of going through it line by line, saying what I did and didn't like, but that really isn't necessary. I think it's pretty obvious what's good about it, and it's also pretty obvious that the bad stuff was born out of ignorance brought about by the more conservative culture at the time more than anything else.
Letter from C. S. Lewis regarding homosexuality, quoted in Sheldon Vanauken's A Severe Mercy, pp. 146-148, in response to a question about a couple of Christian students of Vanauken who were homosexual and had come to him for advice:
I have seen less than you but more than I wanted of this terrible problem. I will discuss your letter with those whom I think wise in Christ. This is only an interim report. First, to map out the boundaries within which all discussion must go on, I take it for certain that the physical satisfaction of homosexual desires is sin. This leaves the homo. no worse off than any normal person who is, for whatever reason, prevented from marrying. Second, our speculations on the cause of the abnormality are not what matters and we must be content with ignorance. The disciples were not told why (in terms of efficient cause) the man was born blind (Jn. IX 1-3): only the final cause, that the works of God shd. be made manifest in him. This suggests that in homosexuality, as in every other tribulation, those works can be made manifest: i.e. that every disability conceals a vocation, if only we can find it, wh. will 'turn the necessity to glorious gain.' Of course, the first step must be to accept any privations wh., if so disabled, we can't lawfully get. The homo. has to accept sexual abstinence just as the poor man has to forego otherwise lawful pleasures because he wd. be unjust to his wife and children if he took them. That is merely a negative condition. What shd. the positive life of the homo. be? I wish I had a letter wh. a pious male homo., now dead, once wrote to me--but of course it was the sort of letter one takes care to destroy. He believed that his necessity could be turned to spiritual gain: that there were certain kinds of sympathy and understanding, a certain social role which mere men and mere women cd. not give. But it is all horribly vague and long ago. Perhaps any homo. who humbly accepts his cross and puts himself under Divine guidance will, however, be shown the way. I am sure that any attempt to evade it (e.g. by mock or quasi-marriage with a member of one's own sex even if this does not lead to any carnal act) is the wrong way. Jealousy (this another homo. admitted to me) is far more rampant and deadly among them than among us. And I don't think little concessions like wearing the clothes of the other sex in private is the right line, either. It is the duties, burdens, the characteristic virtues of the other sex, I suspect, which the patient must try to cultivate. I have mentioned humility because male homos. (I don't know about women) are rather apt, the moment they find you don't treat them with horror and contempt, to rush to the opposite pole and start implying that they are somehow superior to the normal type. I wish I could be more definite. All I have really said is that, like all other tribulations, it must be offered to God and His guidance how to use it must be sought.
But while I'm here, I guess I can go through my favorite quotes, and quotes that I think more mainstream ex-gay ministries would do well to listen to.
"I take it for certain that the physical satisfaction of homosexual desires is sin. This leaves the homo. no worse off than any normal person who is, for whatever reason, prevented from marrying."
"Second, our speculations on the cause of the abnormality are not what matters and we must be content with ignorance. The disciples were not told why (in terms of efficient cause) the man was born blind (Jn. IX 1-3): only the final cause, that the works of God shd. be made manifest in him."
"This suggests that in homosexuality, as in every other tribulation, those works can be made manifest: i.e. that every disability conceals a vocation, if only we can find it, wh. will 'turn the necessity to glorious gain.'"
"I have mentioned humility because male homos. (I don't know about women) are rather apt, the moment they find you don't treat them with horror and contempt, to rush to the opposite pole and start implying that they are somehow superior to the normal type"
I quote that last line not because I believe it applies to all (or even most) gay men, but mainly because I know I often have the tendency to use my celibacy as a point of pride and lord it over people (Disputed Mutability wrote about that condition in this splendid post once; you should give it a read). Well, I guess it may apply to a lot of us, since there were quite a few people who responded to DM's post with a "me too!" And I was one of them.
Either way, I'm really interested in taking this letter apart through discussion in the comments. Despite all the negatives in it, I really think it's one of the most tempered, clear, loving, yet firm opinions about homosexuality I've ever read (and I wish I could have read the rest of this conversation, because presumably it continued). What do you guys think?
Posted by College Jay at 4:22 PM
I think he is implying here that for many people, change to heterosexuality will not happen. This is something many conservative Christians need to understand. Hopefully quoting Lewis will help me persuade them I don't need reparative therapy!
É eu não imaginava que o Lewis tinha uma visão tão aberta quanto ao tema homosexualismo e ainda mais que tinha escrito uma de cena trenzinho no livro dele. O engraçado é inglaterra ser tão conservadora em 1940, uma vez que no brasil bem antes disso já tinham obras que abordavam o homosexualismo como o cortiço e o bom criolo.
É interessante como as pessoas analisam somente os elementos mais visíveis da obra de Tolkien (que tem elementos pagãos) e esquecem de analisar o pano de fundo profundamente católico da obra. Esse pano de fundo foi desenvolvido principalmente depois da década de 50, com inserções como o Conto de Adanel, que aproximam a "teologia" tolkieniana da doutrina católica..
Quanto a Tolkien, e sua persona pública de católico devoto e conservador tão frequentemente reiterada, desconfio que isto era uma forma de evitar a pecha de neo-pagão. O interessante é que, neste mundo pós filmes, há pessoas que o consideram exatamente isto, um neo-pagã. Eu mesmo conheço duas, e elas não me pareceram muito convencidas após eu lhes dizer que o professor fazia questão de frisar que era um católico devoto.
Resposta: o Brasil era uma Monarquia querendo virar República, ou uma recém fundada República com aspirações tardias aos ideias iluministas com o Positivismo chegando aqui com quase 30 anos de atraso but with a vengeance ( implicando inclusive na laicização dos costumes e na relativização do determinismo "teológico" em cima da moral) enquanto a Inglaterra era a cabeça de um império começando a se esboroar querendo se apegar, a qualquer custo, a noções defasadas de status quo e usando doutrinas racialistas pra justificar sua supremacia num mundo em transformação...
Já no Brasil, caras como o Gilberto Freyre estavam começando a ver inclusive a própria mistura racial, anatematizada pelos "racialistas" como um dos signos da exuberante vitalidade e modernidade da nação brasileira.