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Sátira The Bard s Song - The Beer :)

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Bard's Song: In the Forest

Now You all know
The bards and their songs
When hours have gone by
I'll close my eyes
In a world far away
We may meet again
But now hear my song
About the dawn of the night
Let's sing the bards' song

Tomorrow will take us away
Far from home
Noone will ever know our names
But the bards' songs will remain
Tomorrow will take it away
The fear of today
It will be gone
Due to our magic songs

There's only one song
Left in my mind
Tales of a brave man
Who lived far from here
Now the bard songs are over
And it's time to leave
Noone should ask You for the name
Of the one
Who tells the story

Tomorrow will take us away
Far from home
Noone will ever know our names
But the bards' songs will remain
Tomorrow all will be known
And You're not alone
So don't be afraid
In the dark and cold
'Cause the bards' songs will remain
They all will remain

In my thoughts and in my dreams
They're always in my mind
These songs of hobbits, dwarves and men
And elves
Come close Your eyes
You can see them, too

A original eh essa aí
Quase todas as letras das musicas do blind tem la no propio site deles :wink:
huahuauhuaehue com otu consegue essa façanha? huahuaehhueaa ah e respondendo a pergunta da tua assinatura: nenhuma

vle anduril.. mas nem sei o url do site.. ah nao ser q seja: www.blindguardian.com heheheh

blind guardian qer dizer: Guardião cego? q estranho :lol:
Maglor disse:
Vocês são amadores mesmo... têm neme stilo pra floodar... apelam pro "concordo" e uma risadinha depois... tsc, falta de imaginação. Em dias piores eu apagava sem medo. :twisted:

Vamos lá, eu desafio vocês a decorarem essa letra pra cantar no próximo encontro. Quero só ver... :mrgreen:

tou quase lá :mrgreen:

tomoooorow ... :cheers:

só falta eu gravar com minha voz :dance:
Maglor disse:
Vocês são amadores mesmo... têm neme stilo pra floodar... apelam pro "concordo" e uma risadinha depois... tsc, falta de imaginação. Em dias piores eu apagava sem medo.

Vamos lá, eu desafio vocês a decorarem essa letra pra cantar no próximo encontro. Quero só ver...
hahaha esse flooda com classe... disfarcou mt bem... hehe :lol:
(brincadeira einh)

Lady Ana disse:
só falta eu gravar com minha voz
Na verdade eu soh me interessei em responder esse topico justamente por isso... queria saber se essa versao satirica nao foi garavada por ng.... mesmo q soh o vocal.... queria mt ver como ficaria....

Bardos, apresentem-se!

Aproveitando esse post, jah q nao sou um flooder, gostaria de saber se alguem sabe se akela cancao de zuacao do Dragao e das Virgens tb foi musicada, ou cantada por alguem....

Carcharoth, que gosta muito de satiras.
(vide Cecil B. Demented, por exemplo 8-) )
hey adorei a letra!!!! tava cantando com uma amiga aqui...nao sei quem tava pior!! acho que vou tentar gravar....quem sabe....
alguem ai tentou?? :o?:
Eu só berrei a letra aqui... ficou muito boa. Com certeza para um próximo encontro que eu for a letra estará decorada.

Eu e meus amigos temos o costume de fazer letras assim, tolkien-based, com músicas ridículas como as da Kelly Key... Se bem que nós andamos assassinando Belatles (Let It Be virou - Mithrandir) e Guns (Knocking on Heaven's Door virou Knocking On Mordor's Door)...
já que o assunto é musica de bêbado....

Ok, então tá, desafio vocês a cantarem essa aki, quem quiser eu tenho a MP3

(Mas na verdade eu tenho a MP3 da versão do Clancy Brothers & Dubliners)

Tim Finnegan lived in Walkin' Street
A gentle Irishman mighty odd;
Had a beautiful brogue both rich and sweet
To rise in the world he carried a hod.

Now Tim had a sort of a tipplin' way
With a love for the liquor Tim was born
To help him on with his work each day
Had a "drop of the cray-thur" every morn.

Whack fol the darn O, dance to your partner
Whirl the floor, your trotters shake;
Wasn't it the truth I told you?
Lots of fun at Finnegan's wake!

One mornin' Tim felt rather full
His head was heavy which made him shake;
He fell from the ladder and broke his skull
And they carried him hom his corpse to wake.
Rolled him up in a nice clean sheet
And laid him out upon the bed;
A gallon of whiskey at his feet
And a barrel of porter at his head.


His friends assempled at the wake
And Mrs. Finnegan called for lunch.
First she brought in tay and cake;
Then pipes, tobacco and whiskey punch.
Biddy O'Brien began to cry,
"Such a nice clean corpse, did you ever see?
"O Tim, mavaourneen, why did you die?"
Arragh, hold your gob said Paddy McGhee!


Then Maggie O'Connor took up the job
"O Biddy," says she, "You're wrong, I'm sure"
Biddy she gave her a belt in the gob
And left her sprawlin' on the floor.
Then the war did soon engage
'Twas woman to woman and man to man,
Shillelagh law was all the rage
And a row and a ruction soon began.


Then Mickey Maloney ducked his head
When a noggin of whiskey flew at him,
It missed, and falling on the bed
The liqor scattered over Tim!
The corpse revives! See how he rises!
Timothy rising from the bed,
Sayin', "Whirl your whiskey around like blazes
Thanum an Dhul! Do you thunk I'm dead?"

muuuuuuuuuuuuuito massa!!!!!!!!!!hahahaha

:cheers: the bard's song- the beer :cheers:
me identifikei com a musika!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Valinor 2023

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