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23 coisas que só um homem que não gosta de futebol vai entender

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Sábado? Acho que no fim de semana o flamengo joga aqui em BH não? Tem jogo hoje no maraca

:no: Fla joga hoje em Brasilia, no recorde de público do ano, 67mil. Domingo é BH, e no outro é classico dos milhões no Maraca.
** Posts duplicados combinados **
Óbvio que não.
Seria o mesmo que eu mandar tu assistir vídeos do Backstreet Boys.

Se você ver esses dois eu vejo Backstreet boys.
Pra tu não ficar chateado, eu assisti os vídeos.
Vejam essa sequencia de 2 minutos e me falem se isso não é INCRÍVEL:
A única coisa incrível que eu vi nesse vídeo foram as coxas dos jogadores :hanhan:
Brincadeira, ok, foi um gol bonito e bem no finalzinho do jogo, mas não é o suficiente pra me empolgar. Sei lá, simplesmente não vejo nada demais...
A única coisa que consegui pensar foi em como aquele goleiro deve ter sido/se excomungado por ter saído do gol naquela hora.

E esse que não é maravilhoso também:
“É impossível contemplar a cena sem se arrepiar. Até provoca um sentimento de inveja boa: que sorte têm por terem um ao outro! A criança por poder desfrutar as recordações e a experiência do seu avô; o ancião por poder se alimentar dos sonhos do seu neto. Duas gerações, meio século de diferença. Dois apaixonados, um só coração. (…) Uma cena com mais futebol do que todas as partidas do ano juntas.”
Apelou, né? Velhinho E criança chorando??? Meu coração até se derreteria, se eu não achasse que eles estão chorando por uma baita besteira. :dente:
Enfim, eu não julgo quem gosta, acho bacana até, e confesso que alguma vez na vida invejei quem sente esse tipo de emoção por um simples jogo. Hoje em dia eu sou bem conformada com o fato de que eu simplesmente não curto esportes, nem me refiro somente a futebol, falo de esportes em geral, pq eu não curto nada. Por outro lado, me emociono demais com música, por exemplo, então acho que é só questão de identificação mesmo ou seja, eu não sou simplesmente uma insensível sem coração.
Vejam essa sequencia de 2 minutos e me falem se isso não é INCRÍVEL:
Brincadeira, ok, foi um gol bonito e bem no finalzinho do jogo, mas não é o suficiente pra me empolgar. Sei lá, simplesmente não vejo nada demais...
Sem falar que é uma situação totalmente atípica - para mostrar que o futebol é "legal", temos que analisar situações típicas. Pegando situações atípicas, até peteca pode virar algo legal de assistir...

Segue texto que tenta apontar aspectos bestas do futebol:

7 Reasons Why Soccer is the Dumbest Sport Ever
By Kels Dayton, WTNH.com Staff Published: July 1, 2014, 3:51 pm Updated: September 9, 2015, 1:44
Fonte: http://sportzedge.com/

Flopping is a rite of passage in soccer, like never stopping the clock and deciding championships on trivial mini-games. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

I can’t get into the World Cup. Yeah, go ahead and hate me. Call me anti-American, call me a communist, a contrarian, whatever you want. I don’t even care anymore.

Listen, it’s not that I’m not patriotic. I love shouting “USA!” “USA!” at the top of my lungs like a drunken lax bro, with Old Glory draped around my shoulders and a stars-and-stripes bandanna on my head.

I love doing the “I believe that we will win!” chant, in any situation, at any time, and I will watch any sporting event involving the U.S. because I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free and all that.

But I can’t get into the World Cup for a far more fundamental reason:

I think soccer is stupid.
The author is as patriotic as this guy, just not as big of a soccer enthusiast. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
Now, I understand that it’s the world’s most popular sport, that people from Lichtenstein to Latin America treat it like a religion. I respect their viewpoints as much as I respect people who root for the Miami Dolphins, though I may disagree with their life choices.

But to me, soccer is a sad, frustrating game. It’s a struggle that has no real reward–like midget wrestling or watching the Mets.

A smart dude once said, “Soccer is like a war where two countries are fighting each other, yet neither of them has enough ammunition to actually do any damage.” I think that’s the perfect description for it.

Soccer is like a presidential debate, if the candidates couldn’t use vowels. Or a rap battle, if you couldn’t use “Yo Momma” jokes.

Sometimes, you just want to run out on the field, pick up the ball and chuck it into the net. But you can’t.

And do you know why you can’t? The number 1 reason why soccer is stupid:

You can’t use your hands.

There’s something wrong with a sport that doesn’t allow its participants to utilize the two greatest tools that God gave to man. Think about it. Your hands are a huge part of your athleticism–they allow you to grip, catch, throw, shoot–your impact on every other sport in the world depends on your hands. And in soccer, they just throw that out the window.

Look–that’s fine–maybe a sport like that should exist–but don’t tell me a game that values the head as an athletic appendage more so than the hands deserves to be hailed on the same ground as football, basketball, baseball and hockey.

The lack of hand usage leads to all kinds of undesirable nonsense.

You want to tell me that Luis Suarez would have bitten that Italian dude like an angry Rottweiler if he wasn’t so accustomed to not using his hands? In basketball, that guy would’ve gotten punched. And everyone would have been mildly outraged. But it wouldn’t have caused Bob Ley to act like Bill O’Reilly on live television.

In soccer, the best players in the world sometimes miss the net by 12 feet. 12 FEET. That’d be like LeBron James chucking the ball over the top of the backboard. And do you know why this occurs? It’s because kicking is an inexact science. Your foot is like a foreign object. You don’t know exactly where the ball is going to go when you kick it–you just follow through and hope for the best.

Nah, give me a sport that allows you to use the things that separate us from the animals.

Reason No. 2 why soccer is stupid:

They don’t stop the freaking clock.

Seriously, how hard is it to have a guy sitting in a chair on the sidelines, flipping the timer up and down when the ball goes out of bounds? In what world does it make more sense to have the refs just estimate how much time has gone by, and then just add it to the end of the half?

They’re like parents who came to pick up their kids at a sleepover: “Yeah, five more minutes, what the hell!”

The fact that the sport operates this way is just asinine to me. It’s like basketball back in the 1800’s, when they didn’t think to cut a hole in the bottom of the peach basket. They just had guys standing on ladders on each side, throwing the ball back out when it went in.

Good Lord.

Just pay somebody $5 to sit there and hit the timer when play stops or someone acts like they just got shot after being tripped up.

Which brings us to reason No. 3:

Soccer is the only area in life where this is acceptable. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

The Flopping.

This is the most un-American part of soccer, GNKDLASM’FSMK’ F,MFNKL;ASND M.A,WEF . Sorry. I just flopped onto my keyboard.

In American sports, we fight and scratch and claw for every inch we get. We don’t cut corners, we don’t look for bailouts from the refs, and we don’t complain and make excuses. Flopping is like cheating on your (...) [censurado por Haran] –it’s just wrong, and you don’t do it.

In soccer though, flopping is an art form. It’s so ingrained in their heads that they actually do it mid-air, sans collision, like some kind of stunt body double in a Bruce Willis movie.

This needs to be fixed.

Reason No. 4:

The lack of scoring.

This is the big one. Who wants to spend 2 hours watching a sporting event, when the only meaningful thing that happens occurs once or twice a game?

Can you imagine re-watching a soccer game on ESPN Classic? “Ohhh—I remember that kick! That was awesome! No one scores for another 45 minutes, but dude–the way that guy kicked the ball 17 feet past the net—he almost had that one!”

A soccer goal is such a rare occurrence that announcers feel the need to do this.

I mean, are you kidding me? Is he just trying to fill time until the next one is scored?

If it were up to me, I’d shrink the field, take some players off, and make it a little bit easier for these guys to put the freaking thing in the net.

A lack of scoring also minimizes the impact that the game’s great players can have–in basketball, you get to watch LeBron James or Kevin Durant impact the game on every possession. You know going in that you’re going to see the ball in their hands, and they’re going to make plays for their teams. In soccer, the great players have to navigate 12 other guys on a giant field–and most of the time, they don’t even get a shot off.

At least in hockey, there are constant scoring chances–constant shots on goal. In soccer, you almost have a heart attack every time someone actually has a modicum of a chance of scoring.

Reason No. 5:

The “No Substitutions” Rule.

They’re running around like Kenyans at the Boston Marathon out there, and you’re telling me we can’t sub anybody in and out? Why??

The lack of subs just makes for even more desperate and frustrating moments, like when a coach makes the decision to take somebody out because they cramped up like LeBron, and then the entire nation criticizes them because they wimped out.

For what?

What is the upside here?

It makes no sense to me.

Reason No. 6:

Brazil’s goalie dove the right way, and that’s why they beat Chile. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

The Penalty Kicks.

I get it—the sport is so fantastic that we’ve played for 120 minutes and we aren’t sure anyone is ever going to score again–so, we need to find some way to end this game before everyone on the field passes out and the fans go rogue and overtake the stadium.

So, let’s take some penalty kicks!

Man, what an atrocious idea.

It’s like deciding the NBA Finals with a free throw shooting contest, or ending an extra inning game in the World Series with a home run derby. It’s like a Mario Party mini-game.

If your sport is so fundamentally flawed that you need to do this just to finally end the game, I’m sorry….something’s wrong.

Reason No. 7:

The World Cup’s Knockout Stage.

Given soccer’s lack of scoring, and its flawed way of breaking ties, I don’t think a world tournament should ever be decided in one-and-done situation. Brazil advanced past Chile in the Round of 16 because–and this is the only reason–its goalie just happened to “guess” which way Chile’s kicker was going to kick the ball more often than Chile’s goalie did.

Soccer is like baseball–it’s about the body of work. You find out which teams are the best over a long period of time. No one play should ever decide a soccer team’s fate, just like no one pitch should ever decide a baseball team’s. There aren’t enough scoring plays to make up for bad calls from referees–or dumb decisions that eventuate in a goal.

So no more single elimination.

In fact, here’s how I would set up the World Cup:

1. Stick with 32 teams, but change it so that only one team advances from each Group stage.

2. The remaining 8 teams are placed into two more groups of 4, and one team advances again in each.

3. Those two teams meet in a best-of-three series for the title. If there’s a tie, it becomes a best of two. If they split the next two games, they play again. If it comes down to a final game, they play overtime UNTIL SOMEONE FREAKING WINS. No penalty kicks, no goalies guessing which way to dive, no Mario Party mini-games deciding world championships.

So there you have it. That’s why I don’t like soccer, and that’s what I’d do to fix it. Feel free to holler at me in the comments section below.​
Nossa, Haran pior pessoa. Usando argumentos de Americanos. AMERICANOS. O mesmo povo que acha que futebol é com bola oval, acha que Taco é esporte, e corrida são 500 voltas em círculo.

E yankee não gosta de nada que eles saibam que nunca serão os melhores do mundo, podem ver. Tanto que pra contornar isso, criaram um rugby para moças e apelidaram de futebol "Americano". Depois criaram alguns esportes para serem os melhores destes, tipo o basquete. E por fim, como viram que nunca teriam pilotos de F1 decentes, a desdenharam. Tudo recalque.
Soccer??? Perdeu a credibilidade no título. rsrs

Mas, sério, os argumentos são péssimos. Até posso concordar com flopping, substituição ou não parar o tempo, mas isso são pequenos detalhes do esporte, e não o esporte em si. Agora, os outros são bem ruins. Jogar com os pés? Penaltis? pfff

Agora, o que não entendo que os americanos não entendem é porque eles implicam tanto com o fato de ter poucos "pontos" no jogo de futebol. É exatamente isso que deixa o jogo legal, a raridade desse momento (e a dificuldade de fazê-lo com os pés :rolleyes:) é o que torna o gol uma coisa tão especial. Pra mim, feio é placar de futebol americano, 24 a 10, por exemplo :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

De qualquer jeito, da pra fazer esse tipo de argumentação contra qualquer esporte
Sem falar que é uma situação totalmente atípica - para mostrar que o futebol é "legal", temos que analisar situações típicas. Pegando situações atípicas, até peteca pode virar algo legal de assistir...

Segue texto que tenta apontar aspectos bestas do futebol:

7 Reasons Why Soccer is the Dumbest Sport Ever
By Kels Dayton, WTNH.com Staff Published: July 1, 2014, 3:51 pm Updated: September 9, 2015, 1:44
Fonte: http://sportzedge.com/

Ver anexo 66688
Flopping is a rite of passage in soccer, like never stopping the clock and deciding championships on trivial mini-games. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

I can’t get into the World Cup. Yeah, go ahead and hate me. Call me anti-American, call me a communist, a contrarian, whatever you want. I don’t even care anymore.

Listen, it’s not that I’m not patriotic. I love shouting “USA!” “USA!” at the top of my lungs like a drunken lax bro, with Old Glory draped around my shoulders and a stars-and-stripes bandanna on my head.

I love doing the “I believe that we will win!” chant, in any situation, at any time, and I will watch any sporting event involving the U.S. because I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free and all that.

But I can’t get into the World Cup for a far more fundamental reason:

I think soccer is stupid.
Ver anexo 66689
The author is as patriotic as this guy, just not as big of a soccer enthusiast. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
Now, I understand that it’s the world’s most popular sport, that people from Lichtenstein to Latin America treat it like a religion. I respect their viewpoints as much as I respect people who root for the Miami Dolphins, though I may disagree with their life choices.

But to me, soccer is a sad, frustrating game. It’s a struggle that has no real reward–like midget wrestling or watching the Mets.

A smart dude once said, “Soccer is like a war where two countries are fighting each other, yet neither of them has enough ammunition to actually do any damage.” I think that’s the perfect description for it.

Soccer is like a presidential debate, if the candidates couldn’t use vowels. Or a rap battle, if you couldn’t use “Yo Momma” jokes.

Sometimes, you just want to run out on the field, pick up the ball and chuck it into the net. But you can’t.

And do you know why you can’t? The number 1 reason why soccer is stupid:

You can’t use your hands.

There’s something wrong with a sport that doesn’t allow its participants to utilize the two greatest tools that God gave to man. Think about it. Your hands are a huge part of your athleticism–they allow you to grip, catch, throw, shoot–your impact on every other sport in the world depends on your hands. And in soccer, they just throw that out the window.

Look–that’s fine–maybe a sport like that should exist–but don’t tell me a game that values the head as an athletic appendage more so than the hands deserves to be hailed on the same ground as football, basketball, baseball and hockey.

The lack of hand usage leads to all kinds of undesirable nonsense.

You want to tell me that Luis Suarez would have bitten that Italian dude like an angry Rottweiler if he wasn’t so accustomed to not using his hands? In basketball, that guy would’ve gotten punched. And everyone would have been mildly outraged. But it wouldn’t have caused Bob Ley to act like Bill O’Reilly on live television.

In soccer, the best players in the world sometimes miss the net by 12 feet. 12 FEET. That’d be like LeBron James chucking the ball over the top of the backboard. And do you know why this occurs? It’s because kicking is an inexact science. Your foot is like a foreign object. You don’t know exactly where the ball is going to go when you kick it–you just follow through and hope for the best.

Nah, give me a sport that allows you to use the things that separate us from the animals.

Reason No. 2 why soccer is stupid:

They don’t stop the freaking clock.

Seriously, how hard is it to have a guy sitting in a chair on the sidelines, flipping the timer up and down when the ball goes out of bounds? In what world does it make more sense to have the refs just estimate how much time has gone by, and then just add it to the end of the half?

They’re like parents who came to pick up their kids at a sleepover: “Yeah, five more minutes, what the hell!”

The fact that the sport operates this way is just asinine to me. It’s like basketball back in the 1800’s, when they didn’t think to cut a hole in the bottom of the peach basket. They just had guys standing on ladders on each side, throwing the ball back out when it went in.

Good Lord.

Just pay somebody $5 to sit there and hit the timer when play stops or someone acts like they just got shot after being tripped up.

Which brings us to reason No. 3:

Ver anexo 66690
Soccer is the only area in life where this is acceptable. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

The Flopping.

This is the most un-American part of soccer, GNKDLASM’FSMK’ F,MFNKL;ASND M.A,WEF . Sorry. I just flopped onto my keyboard.

In American sports, we fight and scratch and claw for every inch we get. We don’t cut corners, we don’t look for bailouts from the refs, and we don’t complain and make excuses. Flopping is like cheating on your (...) [censurado por Haran] –it’s just wrong, and you don’t do it.

In soccer though, flopping is an art form. It’s so ingrained in their heads that they actually do it mid-air, sans collision, like some kind of stunt body double in a Bruce Willis movie.

This needs to be fixed.

Reason No. 4:

The lack of scoring.

This is the big one. Who wants to spend 2 hours watching a sporting event, when the only meaningful thing that happens occurs once or twice a game?

Can you imagine re-watching a soccer game on ESPN Classic? “Ohhh—I remember that kick! That was awesome! No one scores for another 45 minutes, but dude–the way that guy kicked the ball 17 feet past the net—he almost had that one!”

A soccer goal is such a rare occurrence that announcers feel the need to do this.

I mean, are you kidding me? Is he just trying to fill time until the next one is scored?

If it were up to me, I’d shrink the field, take some players off, and make it a little bit easier for these guys to put the freaking thing in the net.

A lack of scoring also minimizes the impact that the game’s great players can have–in basketball, you get to watch LeBron James or Kevin Durant impact the game on every possession. You know going in that you’re going to see the ball in their hands, and they’re going to make plays for their teams. In soccer, the great players have to navigate 12 other guys on a giant field–and most of the time, they don’t even get a shot off.

At least in hockey, there are constant scoring chances–constant shots on goal. In soccer, you almost have a heart attack every time someone actually has a modicum of a chance of scoring.

Reason No. 5:

The “No Substitutions” Rule.

They’re running around like Kenyans at the Boston Marathon out there, and you’re telling me we can’t sub anybody in and out? Why??

The lack of subs just makes for even more desperate and frustrating moments, like when a coach makes the decision to take somebody out because they cramped up like LeBron, and then the entire nation criticizes them because they wimped out.

For what?

What is the upside here?

It makes no sense to me.

Reason No. 6:

Ver anexo 66691
Brazil’s goalie dove the right way, and that’s why they beat Chile. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

The Penalty Kicks.

I get it—the sport is so fantastic that we’ve played for 120 minutes and we aren’t sure anyone is ever going to score again–so, we need to find some way to end this game before everyone on the field passes out and the fans go rogue and overtake the stadium.

So, let’s take some penalty kicks!

Man, what an atrocious idea.

It’s like deciding the NBA Finals with a free throw shooting contest, or ending an extra inning game in the World Series with a home run derby. It’s like a Mario Party mini-game.

If your sport is so fundamentally flawed that you need to do this just to finally end the game, I’m sorry….something’s wrong.

Reason No. 7:

The World Cup’s Knockout Stage.

Given soccer’s lack of scoring, and its flawed way of breaking ties, I don’t think a world tournament should ever be decided in one-and-done situation. Brazil advanced past Chile in the Round of 16 because–and this is the only reason–its goalie just happened to “guess” which way Chile’s kicker was going to kick the ball more often than Chile’s goalie did.

Soccer is like baseball–it’s about the body of work. You find out which teams are the best over a long period of time. No one play should ever decide a soccer team’s fate, just like no one pitch should ever decide a baseball team’s. There aren’t enough scoring plays to make up for bad calls from referees–or dumb decisions that eventuate in a goal.

So no more single elimination.

In fact, here’s how I would set up the World Cup:

1. Stick with 32 teams, but change it so that only one team advances from each Group stage.

2. The remaining 8 teams are placed into two more groups of 4, and one team advances again in each.

3. Those two teams meet in a best-of-three series for the title. If there’s a tie, it becomes a best of two. If they split the next two games, they play again. If it comes down to a final game, they play overtime UNTIL SOMEONE FREAKING WINS. No penalty kicks, no goalies guessing which way to dive, no Mario Party mini-games deciding world championships.

So there you have it. That’s why I don’t like soccer, and that’s what I’d do to fix it. Feel free to holler at me in the comments section below.​
Sério Haran?
Do mesmo jeito que você coloca um americano que provavelmente e um conservador e deve ta meio putinho pelo fato do esporte estar crescendo e muito no pais, podemos pegar vários outros de vári os outros países e pedir para eles explicarem por que o futebol e o esporte mais assistido do mundo.
Sério Haran?
Do mesmo jeito que você coloca um americano que provavelmente e um conservador e deve ta meio putinho pelo fato do esporte estar crescendo e muito no pais, podemos pegar vários outros de vári os outros países e pedir para eles explicarem por que o futebol e o esporte mais assistido do mundo.
Óbvio que não é sério. Ou, se preferir, é tão sério quanto discutir o quão legal é futebol - que é o mesmo nível de seriedade das discussões envolvendo arroz em cima ou embaixo do feijão. Eu que pergunto "sério?" para o mimimi antiamericano de vocês.

O que passa na cabeça do autor ao escrever (conservadorismo, rancor, etc) é irrelevante, tanto quanto sua nacionalidade o é. O que importa é o texto em si, e os apontamentos não são americanos, pois discute futebol como um todo e não o futebol dentro da cultura americana. Ele não parte de uma premissa como em "somos americanos, logo...". No texto inclusive ele se mostra preocupado em não soar anti-americano (o texto é da época em que as pessoas torcem para seus países na Copa do Mundo), o que já mostra que a postura dele não é tida como postura típica entre os americanos.

Muitos pontos que ele levanta eu já havia inclusive levantado para mim mesmo, independentemente... Incluindo o "não usar as mãos", que achei que ele colocou muito bem. Então tudo o que o Neithan falou é irrelevante; e é curioso querer desmerecer americanos falando de esportes, sendo que eles são de longe um dos mais bem-sucedidos em olimpíadas, mesmo entre países desenvolvidos.
Última edição:
Óbvio que não é sério. Ou, se preferir, é tão sério quanto discutir o quão legal é futebol - que é o mesmo nível de seriedade das discussões envolvendo arroz em cima ou embaixo do feijão. Eu que pergunto "sério?" para o mimimi antiamericano de vocês.

Desiste, Haran. Só tem cubano nessa porra.

Metade do fórum já levou lavagem cerebral dos professores esquerdinhas de História na escola, e enxergam nos norte-americanos os maiores vilões do mundo contemporâneo. Ah! Mas pode ter certeza que vai todo mundo assistir Star Wars: The Force Awakens em dezembro no cinema.
Pois é. Outra questão é que para ler posts de generalidades, da comunidade, etc. aqui temos constantemente que abstrair o conteúdo e os vícios ideológicos - é mimimi de americano, de paulista, de 'coxinha', de 'privilegiados', de 'reaça', etc etc. Mas daí aparece um texto que no seu decorrer o autor mostra-se claramente americano, pronto, aí já viu, o texto perde sentido, qualquer abstração disso é impossível.
Desiste, Haran. Só tem cubano nessa porra.

Metade do fórum já levou lavagem cerebral dos professores esquerdinhas de História na escola, e enxergam nos norte-americanos os maiores vilões do mundo contemporâneo. Ah! Mas pode ter certeza que vai todo mundo assistir Star Wars: The Force Awakens em dezembro no cinema.
Que merda e essa? Quem disse que sou anti americano? Já estive lá e recomendo quem puder ir pois e um lugar bacana.
E é justamente por isso que falei que e um discurso americano conservador, conversei com vários que usavam argumentos próximos e comparavam com seus esportes nacionais.
Você que ta com um sentimento de mimimi revolução bolivariana.

Relaxa mais.
Mas o que o texto tem de americano conservador? Pouco tem de americano ou de conservador - ainda que o autor se mostre americano em alguns pontos do texto, isso tem mais a ver com o fato do texto ser casual e o autor acaba sendo mais pessoal no texto. Por acaso é "brasileiro conservador" não gostar de beisebol e fazer um texto meio humorístico com os aspectos meio bestas do esporte?
Mas o que o texto tem de americano conservador? Pouco tem de americano ou de conservador - ainda que o autor se mostre americano em alguns pontos do texto, isso tem mais a ver com o fato do texto ser casual e o autor acaba sendo mais pessoal no texto. Por acaso é "brasileiro conservador" não gostar de beisebol e fazer um texto meio humorístico com os aspectos meio bestas do esporte?
Não disse qe é, eu disse que provavelmente é, pois tem um grupo conservador que acredita que o EUA está perdendo sua identidade cultural, e não aceitam bem o fato de que o futebol vem crescendo no país.

Esqueci de dizer o por que. Simples, porque todos os pontos que ele indica são uma comparação com as regras que eles usam em esportes nacionais, parar o tempo, placares exorbitantes, uso das maos, playoffs com múltiplos jogos, critérios de desempates diferentes entre outros.
Última edição:
Véi, americano é culturalmente contra o futebol, isso não é novidade pra ninguém. Tanto é que só está crescendo lá pela influência de imigrantes.

Eu sempre achei americano trouxa em matéria de esportes, por terem esse jeito de "excluir" esportes populares do mundo todo e ficarem no mundinho deles com esportes praticados em sua maioria por norte-americanos. E isso mesmo quando eu era tucaninho cristão. :lol:

""""futebol"""" americano só fica legal em filmes. E olhe lá. Pausa o tempo todo, muito chato, enfadonho. :lol:
Eu comentei sobre os argumentos mesmo. Mas confesso que não da pra levar muito a sério um cara que use o termo soccer

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