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PQPQPQPQPQPQPQPQP!Vazou uma foto do Duas-Caras.
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Devia ter seguido seu conselho...Vazou uma foto do Duas-Caras.
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Gotham's Mob Bosses, Two Face's "Origin(?),"
& New TDK T-Shirts!
Posted by: Jett
Monday, May 5, 2008
8:49 PM TEXAS TIME: Our insider "Slappy The White Dog" is back with some excellent and interesting insight into today's leak:
“Thought ol' Slappy should sniff his way in with a little insight into what has found its way onto the Net.
It's real, however it's one of the very early concept designs (remember what I reported to you regarding the look of The Joker before that was public knowledge? This image of Two Face is from around the same period of early design tests). Just like the early concept design of The Joker largely informed the final look, it wasn't dead on (i.e. They decided to retain the purple suit rather than the raggedy, pieced together costume, etc), but certain elements carried through to the final screen version (The “Cut Smile“).
In the case of this particular design, it's closer to what you'll see than that early Joker design was, but it's not a good representation of what it looks like on camera (and, as I alluded to above, it's not *exactly* what the screen look is). It's not really what you'll see in the movie, but the general idea is still very much intact.
I don't mean to be overly cryptic, but I know that a lot of people are trying to retain the surprise of the Two-Face look, and this concept art doesn't properly represent what Aaron looks like onscreen.”
Ficou tão foda que a minha primeira impressão foi de achar que era uma fan art ou algo do tipo.Vazou uma foto do Duas-Caras.
The Dark Knight teve uma campanha viral violenta. Trailers, marketing de guerrilha, fotos e até mesmo a morte de Heath Ledger (mesmo que não sendo proposital) serviu para dar mais publicidade ao filme.
O caso é... Isso tudo deu certo? Isso chamou a atenção de mais pessoas? Ou ficou algo tão agressivo que acabou enchendo o saco antes mesmo de sair?
Pessoalmente, já cansei desse filme, mesmo sem ver, já ouvi falar tanto dele na internet, em todo canto tem fotos e vídeos, que cansou mesmo. Tanto exposição me vez perder a empolgação pra ver esse filme.
E vocês?
Without giving anything away, this is an epic film (and trust me: based on the sheer size and scope of the visuals and storytelling, that's not an overstatement). It's the "Godfather II" of comic book films and three times more earnest than "Batman Begins" (and fuck, was that an earnest film). Easily the most adult comic book film ever made. Heath Ledger didn't so much give a performance as he disappeared completely into the role; I know I'm not the first to suggest this, but he'll likely get at least an Oscar nod (if not the win) for Best Supporting Actor. Fucking flick's nearly three hours long and only leaves you wanting more (in a great way). I can't imagine anyone being disappointed by it. Nolan and crew have created something close to a masterpiece.