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A trilogia original vale muito a pena. E a leitura é super rápida e sem percalços. Não tem erro.Comecei a ler esses dias, estava de graça no Kindle... só descobri agora que são vários livros. Espero que goste bastante, e a reação negativa com que recebi essa notícia se inverta.
Ainda bem que você editou. Eu ia perguntar o que era essa imagemMichael Whelan, 'Trantorian Dream,' 1983 cover for 'Foundation’s Edge,' Asimov’s fourth Foundation book
Ainda bem que você editou. Eu ia perguntar o que era essa imagem
Everyone has the right to his own beliefs and his own securities and his own likings. What I’m against is attempting to place a person’s belief system on the nation or the world generally. (…) I certainly would be very much against trying to Christianize the world. Or to Islamize it. Or to Judaize it, or anything of the sort. And my objection to Fundamentalism is not that they are Fundamentalists, but that essentially they want me to be a Fundamentalist too. Now, I can imagine they object. They say I believe that evolution is true and I want everyone to believe that evolution is true. But I don’t want everyone to believe evolution is true. I want them to study what we say about evolution and decide for themselves.