• Caro Visitante, por que não gastar alguns segundos e criar uma Conta no Fórum Valinor? Desta forma, além de não ver este aviso novamente, poderá participar de nossa comunidade, inserir suas opiniões e sugestões, fazendo parte deste que é um maiores Fóruns de Discussão do Brasil! Aproveite e cadastre-se já!

Let's Practice! =D

If you haven't figured it already, I just wanna make it clear that I'm NOT 87 years old (crowd 'awwwwww's), I'm 14 and I'm proud of every second... Ok, not EVERY second, but the majority...

*Crowd disappointed :( *
Godness.. 8O

:lol: You are too young... hmmm.. You are older than .. than..... Pff! Godness! You don't exist!?

I don't wanna talk about me anymore.. Pff... :| Can you imagine this scene:
You mother says to your father that he dont need to take the keys... He travels.. Then He comes back at 3am... And you is the chooser one (? chooser one? ) to stay at the sofa to open the door... (My Eru, what did I say?) :lol:

I need drink something...

Little bit of ...

(Slightly adapted from 'Inside the Atom')

We look around us, and everywhere we see different things, each made in a different way. The teacher's table is made of wood. The students' book are made of paper. The clothes that I wear are made of cloth from a plant, or from animals' hair and skins. And we are made of blood and bone and skin, each thing different from others.
I look through the window at the path, made of stones, hard and bright. Brances of the trees are moving, as the wind is blowing. We know that there is something to make the wind, something impossible to see. We call it air.
And yet all these different substances are like each other in one way. Wood, paper, wool, glass, flesh, and blood are all made up of small separate particles. The earth, the moon, the sun, and all the stars are made of small separete particles. We call them atoms.

I typed it, now... I don't now if I did without mistakes...

Who wrotes this text? Hmm... Let me see... Isaac Asimov...

:zzz: I need a fix 'cuz im going down....
Then He comes back at 3am... And you is the chooser one (? chooser one? ) to stay at the sofa to open the door... (My Eru, what did I say?)

you´re english is very good for someone of your age, Paty... just need a little bit of practice...

I´ve quoted that piece of your post to say a couple of things:
1 - it is "you are"...not "you is"... I think it was just a minor mistake due to a lack of attention...
2 - choseN would be the word, although I would type the sentence a little bit different... I would have said: and you have been chosen to stay....

keep practicing... you´re in the right path!!!
Tauraherion disse:
I´ve quoted that piece of your post to say a couple of things:
1 - it is "you are"...not "you is"... I think it was just a minor mistake due to a lack of attention...
2 - choseN would be the word, although I would type the sentence a little bit different... I would have said: and you have been chosen to stay....

1- Verb To Be! I can't believe it! >:)
2- I don't know this kind of verb. (Just a little...) :) I'm not at the english school anymore.

I use lyrics, books, texts, and the people from another countrys to study... (use? >:) )
1- Verb To Be! I can't believe it! >
Shame on you!!!
2- I don't know this kind of verb. (Just a little...) I'm not at the english school anymore.

I use lyrics, books, texts, and the people from another countrys to study... (use? > )

yes, that is the word... and you´re going well so far... don´t you have english classes at school?
I´ve learned english just like you... it won´t be perfect unless you have formal english classes at a language school, but you´ll be able to survive with it...
* Tirion gets his guitar and starts playing a country song *

Oh in the mornin'
The sun coooomes down!
Oh my love for you
Is my liiiiiiife....

* Coughs *

Oh, ok...

Whatever :?
Taura: I have. But the Logosófico classes are not like the classes of an English school. Know what I mean?
I want to go to Boston, to listen to the *real* english.. Stay at class just listening that tapes isn't good... My uncle lives in Boston. But I prefer to go to Ireland than Boston... Ireland/England! Nice Dream. Hard Work... Pff. I think i need choose what I will do in the future to choose a place to go (and Stay)... I don't know... I have two ways: Music or Bussines.. Heart and My Father! :|
Godness.. I don't wanna see what comes after: " And they are kissing on the ground..."
/me put her hands on her eyes... :assobio:
acho que concordamos que do jeito que está esse tópico não foge muito de um grande flood, não é? pois eu proponho o seguinte: a partir de agora eu vou estar trazendo primeiros posts de outros fóruns para vocês discutirem em inglês. assim vocês praticam e não ficam falando frases vazias :mrgreen:

para começar:

Tírion disse:
Eu tava vendo TV esses dias e, como sempre, só tinha porcaria. Daí eu comecei a pensar...
Se um alienigena viesse para estudar o planeta Terra, o que ele pensaria dessa coisa toda?
Eu digo, qual é o ponto em correr em carros ultra-velozes, ou ver 8 pessoas trancadas numa casa com espelhos, ou celebrar bebendo coisas que te fazem mal, matar por nada, ficar fazendo coisas ridiculas, ver um monte de gente fantasiada dançando em cima de carros coloridos?
O que vc pensaria?

Eu pensaria "nossa, que povo ridículo! Um acha que é o dono do mundo, o outro mata por nada e o pessoal fica reproduzindo com camadas de plástico por nada. Uns não sabem o que existe fora deles mesmos, outros acham que sabem tudo. Uns se divertem correndo atrás de uma bola e vestindo roupas coloridas. Outros se divertem comendo seu proprio excremento e fazendo coisas loucas. Uns até injetam quimicos letais em seu proprio corpo. Que tipo de baderna é essa? Eu vou é embora!"

Já parou pra pensar no quão ridículo nós todos somos?

Então, o que vc pensaria?

(o tópico é esse aqui)

Ok, agora vocês já têm assunto para discutir :wink:

Valinor 2023

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