• Caro Visitante, por que não gastar alguns segundos e criar uma Conta no Fórum Valinor? Desta forma, além de não ver este aviso novamente, poderá participar de nossa comunidade, inserir suas opiniões e sugestões, fazendo parte deste que é um maiores Fóruns de Discussão do Brasil! Aproveite e cadastre-se já!

Let's Practice! =D

my first contact with english was kinda forced...my father wanted me to study english, but I didn´t...at the beginning I used to be absent almost 50 percent of the classes, but then I went to Boston in 2000/2001 and I spent there a month and a half...it was very nice, after this I started liking English, nowadays I enjoy very much studying English :mrgreen:
Erling Fossador disse:
I like english very much, but I can speak english a little, and I'm not good at english
don't worry, you're still very young...in a few years you will learn more and more and will speak better and better, English isn't a difficult language :wink:
Kementari disse:
hey, flooding is a bad thing, little boy!
I didn't flood...
Ana Lovejoy said that I shouldn't do what I did in that post. I couldn't delete it so I told you to ignore it. And you didn't!
And flooding because of a flood is a bad thing too!
I know, but I wasn't thinking of that...
Besides I could've just easily pressed that darny blue button, you know?


Ok, ok! You won!
But I don't guarantee the next time! :twisted: <-I'm twisted

I still am 65 years older!

*sigh* mods always win!!!
_AsRrOuT__ disse:
Erling Fossador disse:
I like english very much, but I can speak english a little, and I'm not good at english
don't worry, you're still very young...in a few years you will learn more and more and will speak better and better, English isn't a difficult language :wink:

I agree with you, english really isn't a difficult language..... It's only a question of practice. Erling Fossador, keep cool! Read foreign magazines, listen to songs in english language....it works!
woooww...You must have a beard bigger than Gandalf's!!!
It brings my mind to that Raul Seixas' song: I was born, 10 thousand years ago...

sorry, i couldn't help translating it...
Hey, long time no see...

I had an Oral English Test today... that teacher was horrible... she asked me to answer her questions with the same verb she used... In Fisk, the oral test is conversation and in this test today (in cefet) was only questions...

See you... :wink:

Valinor 2023

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