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Let's Practice! =D

Who said I've learned English? As a matter of fact, I don't think I will ever come to terms with this accursed language.

But Japanese is worse... far worse... they change their grammar at every damn minute!
Primula disse:
Who said I've learned English? As a matter of fact, I don't think I will ever come to terms with this accursed language.

But Japanese is worse... far worse... they change their grammar at every damn minute!
You maybe didn't learn it, but you sure know it...
What the hell happened?
Did the saint download in you (I know, that was horrible...)?
Inominavell disse:
Why did ya decided to learn english?
Well, I used to play Video Games a lot, but as you know, there wasnt any games in portuguese. RPG games, in my time, Like Maniac Mansion needed some knowledge of the language, sooo, dictionary and suffering till I decided to make a course. This hpnd about 11 years ago.

my first contact with the English language was by playing Maniac Mansion! I still have that game and sometimes have fun again with those freakin' adventures... By the way, have you finished it?
Bleh... English and those crappy computer games. How the hell did that happen?

And here I am, spamming in old fashion, saying nasty random things over this message board. I am sure you may find that bogus and outrageous but unfortunately that's how most things work.

Just like those lunatic prophets who have spent their entire life counting how many wasps are there in garbage cans or adventuring in the Middle East seeking for the Holy Grail.

Yeah, Sean Connery definately ruled as Indiana's Dad. I've heard about a sequence that will be shown like on next year.
Tírion Windlord disse:
Primula disse:
Who said I've learned English? As a matter of fact, I don't think I will ever come to terms with this accursed language.

But Japanese is worse... far worse... they change their grammar at every damn minute!
You maybe didn't learn it, but you sure know it...
What the hell happened?
Did the saint download in you (I know, that was horrible...)?

8O :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, what happened is this: although games and movies are good to learn English, the language changes... The damned young people keep inventing new words (same here). But even so, their changes are minimal, compared with us and Japan, so it is more common to put slang in dictionaries.

But as I said, in Japanese is worse... far worse. Did you know that most grandparents can not understand a single word uttered by their own grandchildren?

I wonder why people changes their common code for communication so much, so that is impossible for us to understan each other... I guess to look cool is more important than to make yourself clear for other people. And then people can not understand you and...

(Primula mode sucks on)
bombadil disse:
Inominavell disse:
Why did ya decided to learn english?
Well, I used to play Video Games a lot, but as you know, there wasnt any games in portuguese. RPG games, in my time, Like Maniac Mansion needed some knowledge of the language, sooo, dictionary and suffering till I decided to make a course. This hpnd about 11 years ago.

my first contact with the English language was by playing Maniac Mansion! I still have that game and sometimes have fun again with those freakin' adventures... By the way, have you finished it?

Yeah Man, I think I was 10 when I got to the end. As everybody (who has played the game) knows, the game coudn't be saved, so I left it On an entire weekend. Freak, man!
Rememberin' of this brings tears to my eyes... :oops:
Awesome Game!!! :grinlove: :grinlove:
Bomba, do you still own the cartridge?
The computer is on the the table. :mrgreen:
I'm sitting in a chair, writing this words.
I didn't read nothing but some posts on the first page, ok?
bombadil disse:
my first contact with the English language was by playing Maniac Mansion!

Cool! Maniac Mansion was my first contact to the language too. I remember I bought a English-Portuguese dictionary so I could understand what the hell I had to do.

After Maniac Mansion I started playing Ducktales game. A great game too, and practiced "a lot"!

Thanks god it was a long time ago. If it was today, probably I would have to study english before playing. The new games are damn difficult to understand today if the player doesn't know exactly what the plot, that usually are too complex for beginners...
* After reading Primula´s post Taura gaze upon his idea of learning japanese*

The games nowadays request that you not only know how to read in english but listen and comprehend too, some of the best games have speech (and a few don´t have subtitles)
bombadil disse:
Did you study at CCAA?
I learned English for 7 years too but nowadays I'm a lot out of practice.
CCAA is a good school, but very expensive and it takes too long. I gave classes there for six months, than I quit. (hated givind classes to those fuc**** teenagers! hahaha)
Do you give classes to children or teenagers?

yes, i did ccaa. I am able to give classes for children and teens, but i hate children. Actually i hate give classes in ccaa, only the ones who know the "bible" know what i am talking about... now i am just studying letters...
Tauraherion disse:
* After reading Primula´s post Taura gaze upon his idea of learning japanese*

The games nowadays request that you not only know how to read in english but listen and comprehend too, some of the best games have speech (and a few don´t have subtitles)

Be careful... even some Japanese books are teaching WRONG japanese. I will explain you after this post, in private.

Yes, it was a great improvement in games. I wish that we could make sentences that would be spoken in the game, so I could "hear" what I was "saying".

Even so... I wonder what comes next? :wink: (smells? :wink:)
oh no... I hope not...have you considered playing games that have Sewer levels??

I think that maybe a game that needs one´s voice to be played... I mean, you have to interact with the NPC´s by talking to them.
Kiwi disse:
The computer is on the the table. :mrgreen:
I'm sitting in a chair, writing this words.
I didn't read nothing but some posts on the first page, ok?

The correct way of saying that would be using "these", instead of "this". These are used to indicate plural nouns, such as words and this are used for singular ones. :wink:

Hugo? I mean...THE Hugo??

Anyway... We can talk about pretty much anything we want in here, just to practice english...the idea is to mantain a conversation, but you can post your thoughs about a subject that has nothing to do with what is being discussed.

See ya!
Tauraherion disse:
Hugo? I mean...THE Hugo??

I really hope so that he isn's he (if you understand me..) :pray:

I had english classes in CCAA and CCAA sucks....

And learn english to play games?? It is incredible... I know some top players of games that speak english worst than my cat! :lol:

Valinor 2023

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