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O Retorno do Rei

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Talvez seja uma nova tentativa de aproximar Tolkien de Hollywood, pra ter aquela visão trivial VilãoXHerói, na luta cara a cara...
Não estou defendendo este ponto, mas talvez eles queiram aumentar o poder do "novo rei" que está "retornando"... Não sei...
De qualquer forma, é possível que Tolkien esteja sentindo se incomodade, onde quer que esteja.....
sauron e argonr seria ridiculo...o aragorn naum teria a menor chance!!! sou a favorm de mostrarem o sauron com uma forma fisica...mas dai a lutar com aragorn...ja eh demais
Não tb acho que o PJ não seria louco de botar Sauro x Aragorn.
Isso tiraria todo o sentido de poder que Sauron tem. Até para quem nunca leu o livro, no filme fica bem claro que Sauron e o ser de maior poder na TM :lily:
Voltando ao Pelenor, os filhos de Elrond não vão mesmo aparecer. O PJ já falou em uma entrevista. "Seria personagem demais...". Devemos esperar mesmo Arwen.
Bem, pensando friamente, trocaram os filhos pela filha... :D

Vcs viram o que um dos admins do TORn publicou no Fórum há pouco tempo? É sobre o relatório de um dos "espiões" que eles recuperaram para tentar saber mais ou menos o que vai aparecer no terceiro filme. Vou reproduzir a mensagem aqui de um outro usuário q é um resumo da original...

a mensagem original (com links) é http://www.theonering.net/rumour_mill/cache/main/3E2857130007206B.html

o resumo dos links (a mensagem que eu colei abaixo) é http://www.theonering.net/rumour_mill/cache/moviediscussion/3E2868C000026C15.html


The edited highlights of the 'Aint it cool news' reports over on main, courtesy of Kyriel. I thought I'd trim down the 11 pages to the relevant quotes to make it easier.

There is this GIGANTIC 30 or 40 ft tall door, seemingly covered with well petinaed bronze carvings and figures… that bronze greenish-turquoise hue… IMMENSE in scale. Off to the side, is the destroyed door for after the battling ram crashes through.

The rangers are also walking about,

This is the scene where Faramir tells Gandalf the battalions of orcs are on their way. And when Faramir looks eyes with Pippen, Gandalf realizes this isn’t the first Halfling he’s seen… and finds out that Frodo and Sam are still alive and still working on their mission.

Watching David Wenham with that tired look of absolution upon his brow as he reveals his news. The look of joy and hope upon Billy Boyd’s Peregrin Took exclaim, "Frodo and Sam!? You’ve seen them?!?! They’re Alive?!?!?" or something to that degree…

And and and, the eagles will land over there, and oh man.

Meanwhile the 2nd Unit screen was revealing Gandalf (double at a distance) shooting a scene where they are pursuing Orcs in the streets of Minas Tirith… or at least that is what I think is going on.

While I’ve been talking, it seems that David Wenham’s Faramir has gotten filled full of arrows and is being drug into Minas Tirith nearly and seemingly dead…. Those that know the book, know what is about to happen….

Meanwhile, the city is under siege in 2nd Unit A-Camera… poor Pippen is being picked up and placed upon ShadowFax. There are fires in the street and poor David/Faramir gets to be dragged behind a horse shot full of arrows in full armor. Ok… I think I saw two arrows to be specific… but man, thanks to Weta… they looked grisly awfully painful. David seemed to enjoy a nice nap while being dragged though.

The actor, John Noble, I believe is the bordering on madness King… Faramir has just now given his report to his liege and father. Denethor is of course outraged at the turn of events, convinced that his now departed son Boromir would have brought him the ring. The shot I’m watching is the camera, solely upon Denethor.

I’ve never seen this actor playing Denethor before… But he has a look of evil and twisted humanity and sadness all about him. A look of desperate frailty… His hair long and stringy… peppered black and white. When he smiles with a mad Manson-esque look in his eyes… which quickly transforms into a snarl not unlike that of wild dog. He is, quite scary and disturbed looking.

Faramir. He is out of armor…. And is now wearing his brown leather two buckled boots…. No heels, flat across the bottom… an olive green flat of cloth covering his below abdomen and legs…. He’s wearing the leather chest piece with the embossed symbol of… the tree in a used and cracked up silver lamet type deal.

the ferocity… followed by a look of loathing… then fatherly love… then a feigned bit of weakness as he stumbles… then finally indignation and outrage.

Ol David Wenham has to be the son looking upon a fallen father… one that uses words to inject venom and spite into a loyal sons mind. It is a very very hard place for him to be in… but he stands to his beliefs… weathers his father’s verbal spears… and leaves a bit sad and melancholy.

Next up I find myself watching Faramir and Eowyn being married… Eowyn’s dress is quite literally one of the most beautiful beaded gowns I have ever seen in my life. Miranda is droolalicious here

2nd Unit is handling the coronation of… well, you know. On that top monitor I can see Gandalf the White placing the crown on a bearded Viggo

He then sets out to tell me about a scene where Frodo and Gollum had to roll down the side of a mountain… where Frodo had to defy gravity, leaving room between himself and the ground beneath him as he tumbled

the Witch King’s helmet.

when suddenly my eyes catch the TREE OF GONDOR!!!!

Viggo has already been crowned and this is a different scene I believe, perhaps after the crew from Rivendell rode in with the Scepter…

The scene they are shooting is as Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas are luring the Corsairs in while the Army of the Dead begin firing their arrows all around them and they capture the ships… I suppose… at least I think that is what happens here.

Suddenly Dom and Billy are called over to do a scene in the sleeping quarters of EDORAS. Again this is all blue screen, so I can’t really tell what is going on… as they have no dialogue here, and it’s just one waking the other.

On an outside monitor I see Gandalf storming down the Tower Hall… Lord Denethor a dark pimple beside the stairway topped by an empty throne left in the distance.
Gandalf is fuming… I miss all the dialogue as I have no ears (the earphones that you listen to on set dialogue with). His robes catching the air, flowing behind him as tiny Pippin scampers to catch up. They exit the doors and CUT…

I sort of hang back, and watch this animatic footage of a different scene of Gandalf riding upon an Eagle on their way for Frodo and Sam

a corridor in Minas Tirith that contains a rather poignant quiet moment between Pippin and Faramir.

The moment comes after Pippin has his chainmail and Gondorian battle outfit… no bigger than that of a child’s. Faramir comes up… amused by the little Pippin and his bravery… They share a laugh, when Pippin asks him, "Your father, Why is he so angry?" there is a pause, "I only ask because I would help if I could…" And Faramir tells him, "There is nothing you can do, Pippin (pause) look after yourself."

In the Tower Hall inside the Aragorn looks into the palantir and reveals himself unto the lord of Mordor… Sauron,

The first scene is a two shot of Gandalf and Aragorn… The scene lays out the situation… Things are dark, and the progress of Frodo and Sam are completely unknown. The feeling is that Sauron hasn’t yet captured the ring, they feel that Frodo and Sam may still have a chance, but not with an Army of orcs between Frodo and Mt Doom…. Thus the ruse is conceived by Aragorn. Gandalf says, "Sauron will suspect a trap and not take the bait." To which Aragorn says, "Oh… I think he will."

When he says, "Then we empty Sauron’s lands… gather all our strength, March on Mordor, and draw his army to the Black Gates."

Aragorn reveals his presence to Sauron… reveals Narsil reforged into Anduril before him… and inflames the anger of the dark lord through the Palantir

I’ve just seen a take where Viggo hit a moment of dispair that was a GREAT shot…. After he says his peace to Sauron…. Sauron shows him… well, you know, and it strikes fear into him like nothing you can imagine… Looking into Sauron, I take it, is not a healthy move.

Aragorn being dressed into his Kingly armor before riding off. Viggo is in a deep rich red tunic…

watching the Weta folks strapping on the gauntlets of the King of Gondor… the armor, the tunic with the Tree of Gondor… Here before his white throne… in front of the black marble chair of the Lord Denethor… Steward of Minas Tirith…

Even the animatics that I saw… Mines of Moria and Eagles at the end… were pretty.
A cena q eu mais quero ver no RdR é a Éowyn decepando a criatura alada do Rei Negro. Em seguida, Gollum caindo nas chamas com o Um Anel e, depois, Gandalf quebrando o cajado de Saruman.

Não sei se a parte da Laracna vai ser tão legal. Depois de Malditas Aranhas, talvez a Laracna não seja tão legal assim. Talvez, PJ refaça essa parte com efeitos de última, ou não.
Acho que esse filme vai deixar muitos fãs loucos da vida...
Com certeza vão cortar quase metade do 3º livro por causa da inútil idéia de colocarem a quebra do cajado e a toca da Laracna nesse filme...
Muita coisa vai ser cortada, com certeza. :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
Uma cena q eu acho q seria dramatica demais é quando Theoden morre e o Eomer fica louco e sai em direção a morte contra os corsarios, e vejam só quem são os corsarios...

Isso vai ser foda!!! :twisted:
Acho que esse filme vai deixar muitos fãs loucos da vida...
Com certeza vão cortar quase metade do 3º livro por causa da inútil idéia de colocarem a quebra do cajado e a toca da Laracna nesse filme...
Muita coisa vai ser cortada, com certeza.

Não acho. O terceiro livro é menor do que os demais e, tirando o expurgo, fica ainda menor. Acho que com 3h30m dá pra mostrar tudo o falta.
Uma nova foto de Andy Serkis antes de se transformar em Gollum foi divulgada hoje na Internet. E para não dizer que Sméagol está roubando para si a preciosa terceira parte da trilogia, também surgiu uma nova imagem de Aragorn e Legolas.

Confira abaixo:



Fonte: Cinema em Cena
O Retorno do Rei terá a maior batalha de todos os tempos,a Batalha nos Campos de Pellenor será genial ao meu ver,choverá Orcs,como disse o próprio Peter Jackson.Tomára que tenha a Senda dos Mortos,só de pensar no Gimli morrendo do medo...putz,será genial.Sem contar as Minas Tirith,Gollun,Portos Cinzentos...Já é certo que o filme será o mais longo(no mínimo 3:30h),e terá algumas modificações:Aragorn poderá lutar contra Sauron,claro que ficaria totalmente diferente do livro,porém,por que Aragorn não poderia derrotar Sauron se Isildur arrancou fora os dedos de Sauron e por consequência condenou Sauron a existir apenas com Espírito?Já que Aragorn tem relação com Isildur,nada melhor do que Aragorn para derrotar Sauron que,como todos sabem,irá aparecer em corpo físico! :aham:
Pelo amor de Deus, se esse lance do aragorn LUTAR contra sauron acontecer... PUTZ, Tirem o expurgo do condado, maten o saruman num roda, faça o que for, ISSO NÃO!!! Já não nada a ver, PJ não pode fazer isso!! :x :x :x TOTALMENTE ABSURDO, SEM SENTIDO NEHUM!! :x :x :x
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Valinor 2023

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