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O problema, entretanto, parece ser mais complicado que isso pq a boxeadora argelina na verdade não seria trans apesar da aparência mas, sim, um desses casos de intersexualidade. Mesmo assim, acho que não dá pra negar que o raciocínio da JKR tb se aplica em uma boa medida. Confiram aí:
“Khelif is NOT transgender, but has a disorder of sex development (DSD), which causes some females to have XY chromosomes and blood testosterone levels typical of a male. In Algeria … transgender identity is prohibited
E Michael Phelps.E extraterrestres com Simone Biles
Ashley Rose
Imagine growing up as a little girl, just living your life and doing all the little girl things that little girls do.
You hit puberty and you find that as your body changes you are becoming more masculine in figure rather than more feminine.
You go to the doctor and learn that your body has a genetic factor that produces testosterone instead of estrogen, and so your body thinks you’re male, when your genitalia and upbringing say otherwise.
This is the case of the boxer in the Olympics. She is not trans. She did not undergo hormone therapy to become more masculine. This is her as God made her.
Now, if you want to make a case that she shouldn’t compete because she has too much testosterone in her body, there are some boxing agencies that would agree with you. And that could be a valid argument. But don’t make it about “trans people in sports” issues when it’s not that.
Btw: she had a 9-5 record in the professional circuit, which is why it was deemed that her body type does not give her an unfair advantage. Agree or disagree, but at least know the facts before leaping to judgment