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Manifestações de J.K. Rowling

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Né, esse povo acha que ela vai arrancar os cabelos por coisas assim. :roll:

Adorei essa resposta dela pra esse imbecil que quis aparecer às custas dela:

Ver anexo 97033
Quando os anunciantes dela começarem a abandonar o barco que ela insiste em fazer afundar com cada tweet ignorante e preconceituoso, talvez ela comece a arrancar os cabelos. Ou quando conseguir uma condenação por transfobia, civil ou (Deus queira) penalmente.
A Rowling tá caindo na pilha num estilo que não deve em nada ao Bolsonaro, podendo "caprichar" até mais que ele.

Só que a coisa tá ficando feia pra imagem dela, que chega num ponto que não há como reverter depois.
Já não dá pra reverter.

Só que ela é bilionária, e nenhum cancelamento tira isso. Então, mesmo que ela sofra os piores boicotes, ainda não vai perder o sono por causa de dinheiro.
Perder sono por dinheiro? Só se ela for extremamente teimosa, xingando, tomando e perdendo seguidamente centenas de processos na justiça ou de repente o Reino Unido resolva aplicar uma lei que dê uma punição bem rigorosa contra quem ataca as minorias LGBT...... (coloco reticências porque cada vez mais essa sigla só aumenta).
Às vezes é até difícil saber quem está só trollando e quem está se levando a sério... Twitter é realmente o maior esgoto a céu aberto da Internet. Talvez pior que os 4chan e reddit da vida.
Pior que o troll de Internet em geral nem almeja a quinze segundos de fama. É só pra descarregar a frustração nos outros, mesmo, xingar geral sem nunca contribuir com nada, no conforto do seu sofá e anônimo, para não ter de responder por seus atos. É uma coisa mesquinha e medonha.
Você sabia?
Dos 10 livros mais lidos do Skoob, 7 são de Harry Potter!

No Skoob, Harry Potter e o Cálice de Fogo tem:

+ de 180 mil avaliações
+ 530 mil pessoas já leram
+ 13 mil pessoas estão lendo

Fonte: https://www.facebook.com/skoobnews

Pra fazer os haters dela chorarem e espernearem ainda mais. :lol:
Ridículo mesmo, apelarem pra esse tipo de coisa por umas migalhas de audiência.
Ridículo mesmo noticiarem uma autora juvenil famosa e milionária espalhando ódio transfóbico pela internet. Onde esse mundo vai parar com esses haters que exigem que pessoas trans sejam tratadas como gente normal?

Com um certo atraso mas aqui vai:

Sexto livro da série Cormoran Strike ( o de 2022-batizado aqui no Brasil de Coração de Nanquim) vira uma espécie de lavação de roupa suja- meta-comentário da Rowling ( a qual ela nega ter feito) sobre a toxicidade do Fandom e da cultura "woke" e entra como sendo parte de um amplo debate sobre o "divórcio" entre um autor e sua comunidade de fãs.

Última edição:

What does The Ink Black Heart explore?
I see this as a novel about disconnection. And people feeling disconnected in real life. And exploring what they find online as a way of connecting. But – it – I don’t want to give too much away. But the central theme of the book is anomie, which is a state of lacking normal social or moral norms. And – so, yeah, it’s really an exploration of that. It is a very sort of modern malaise. Although the term anomie has been around for a long, long time and it really – the term arose through industrialisation. People losing meaning in their daily lives and – and feeling that they themselves were not really part of society. Not really part of a whole. So, yeah. So, it’s a big theme. But it is explored in a very sort of contemporary way.
How much of the novel is drawn from your own experience?
I have never created a book – and this book certainly isn’t created from my own experience – you know, with a view to talking about my own life. That doesn’t mean, of course, that your own life experience isn’t in the book.
With this book – I had been planning this book for so long and then a couple of the things that happen in this book have since happened to me. And so, I would like to be very clear that I haven’t written this book as an answer to anything that happened to me. Although I have to say when it did happen to me, those who had already read the book in manuscript form were – are you clairvoyant? I wasn’t clairvoyant, I just – yeah, it was just one of those weird twists. Sometimes life imitates art more than one would like.
But, no, it’s not – this isn’t about my experience of – as being a creator. My experience – if I wrote about my experience as a creator, it would look very different. And I have to say, for example – which I think will be a question readers would ask: the Potter fandom, by and
large, has been amazing to me. Incredibly supportive and I still receive tonnes of love from the Potter fandom. So, the fandom in this book is very much not a portrait of the fandom. It is of a very – I think a very different kind of fandom.
What is it that makes Strike and Robin such a good team?
The reason I love writing those two characters so much is I love them both as characters. And I love the friendship. I love writing – and of course I love writing the sexual tension, which I know is – is a big deal for certain readers. But my feeling was always that each of them had quite a lot of changing and growing to do. Even Strike who is 10 years older than Robin.
You know, his – his past is an unusual one. And it has left him with issues that I don’t think he has ever really fully explored. And I feel that in books five and six, this being book six, you start to see him recognising some of this. He has still got a way to go. Equally, Robin, who’s had, you know, not a particularly typical romantic history because of – she has trauma in her past – in this book really does get to show a quite – what I think readers might find quite an unexpected side of her.
So, I love – I love the fact – to me it is a real friendship, they do – they rub – they can occasionally infuriate each other. But they are very complementary personalities, I think.
And they – their shared endeavour is really – is at the absolute root of what they value in each other and what they – I think now in this book, particularly at the end when something quite symbolic happens, you see that they recognise that they couldn’t have done it without
each other. And that’s – you know, that’s a wonderful feeling when you – when you have a shared endeavour with someone, and I empathise with that a lot.

Última edição:

Valinor 2023

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