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Star Wars: Episódio III - A Vingança dos Sith (2005)

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SPOILERS (e grandes, sem brincadeira)

eu li isso lá no Comingsoon.net. depois que eu terminei eu desejei não ter lido, sendo verdade ou não

1 - "What's cool is we see this temple hallway once with Obi-Wan and Anakin walking together early in the film - and another time later in the film littered with bodies of clones and Jedi as Yoda and Obi-Wan walk through."

2 - "Lock S-foils in attack formation" is a line from the script.

3 - "About halfway through the film we see the heroes really and truly revealed. That is, if you don't count the rest of the Jedi who gave of their lives up to this point. The heroes: Yoda, in his quest to rid the universe of Palpidious once and for all, and Obi-Wan in his veritable quest to turn Anakin back from the Dark Side. Both fail utterly. "

4 - (On Padme's death) "The hovering droid comes out of the medical center to greet the two anxious Jedi. If he could give any expression from his teal eyes, it would be one of sadness. His multiple arms try to convey the message of despair to the two remaining Jedi in the galaxy. In the background, we see Padme lying face up on a floating, white, oval-shaped bed. She is dead, covered to her chest in a white sheet and wearing a light blue top. Blue aliens with large hands tend to her expressionless body and to the nearby medical computers - but nothing it seems can be done. Yoda sighs quietly as the droid begins to speak. "I'm sorry, we were unable to save her. We were, however, able to save ... the children."

5 - "have I ever mentioned that Anakin cuts off Dooku's hands, then helpless and hunched over, Anakin scissors off his head with a red and a blue saber? Pretty cool stuff, didn't know if that has been posted yet or not. The camera does pull in close to Dooku, showing him with great fear in his eyes and a red and blue saber crossed just short of his neck."

ah e uma foto também
SPOILERS (e grandes, sem brincadeira)

eu li isso lá no Comingsoon.net. depois que eu terminei eu desejei não ter lido, sendo verdade ou não

1 - "What's cool is we see this temple hallway once with Obi-Wan and Anakin walking together early in the film - and another time later in the film littered with bodies of clones and Jedi as Yoda and Obi-Wan walk through."

2 - "Lock S-foils in attack formation" is a line from the script.

3 - "About halfway through the film we see the heroes really and truly revealed. That is, if you don't count the rest of the Jedi who gave of their lives up to this point. The heroes: Yoda, in his quest to rid the universe of Palpidious once and for all, and Obi-Wan in his veritable quest to turn Anakin back from the Dark Side. Both fail utterly. "

4 - (On Padme's death) "The hovering droid comes out of the medical center to greet the two anxious Jedi. If he could give any expression from his teal eyes, it would be one of sadness. His multiple arms try to convey the message of despair to the two remaining Jedi in the galaxy. In the background, we see Padme lying face up on a floating, white, oval-shaped bed. She is dead, covered to her chest in a white sheet and wearing a light blue top. Blue aliens with large hands tend to her expressionless body and to the nearby medical computers - but nothing it seems can be done. Yoda sighs quietly as the droid begins to speak. "I'm sorry, we were unable to save her. We were, however, able to save ... the children."

5 - "have I ever mentioned that Anakin cuts off Dooku's hands, then helpless and hunched over, Anakin scissors off his head with a red and a blue saber? Pretty cool stuff, didn't know if that has been posted yet or not. The camera does pull in close to Dooku, showing him with great fear in his eyes and a red and blue saber crossed just short of his neck."

ah e uma foto também
SPOILERS (e grandes, sem brincadeira)

eu li isso lá no Comingsoon.net. depois que eu terminei eu desejei não ter lido, sendo verdade ou não

1 - "What's cool is we see this temple hallway once with Obi-Wan and Anakin walking together early in the film - and another time later in the film littered with bodies of clones and Jedi as Yoda and Obi-Wan walk through."

2 - "Lock S-foils in attack formation" is a line from the script.

3 - "About halfway through the film we see the heroes really and truly revealed. That is, if you don't count the rest of the Jedi who gave of their lives up to this point. The heroes: Yoda, in his quest to rid the universe of Palpidious once and for all, and Obi-Wan in his veritable quest to turn Anakin back from the Dark Side. Both fail utterly. "

4 - (On Padme's death) "The hovering droid comes out of the medical center to greet the two anxious Jedi. If he could give any expression from his teal eyes, it would be one of sadness. His multiple arms try to convey the message of despair to the two remaining Jedi in the galaxy. In the background, we see Padme lying face up on a floating, white, oval-shaped bed. She is dead, covered to her chest in a white sheet and wearing a light blue top. Blue aliens with large hands tend to her expressionless body and to the nearby medical computers - but nothing it seems can be done. Yoda sighs quietly as the droid begins to speak. "I'm sorry, we were unable to save her. We were, however, able to save ... the children."

5 - "have I ever mentioned that Anakin cuts off Dooku's hands, then helpless and hunched over, Anakin scissors off his head with a red and a blue saber? Pretty cool stuff, didn't know if that has been posted yet or not. The camera does pull in close to Dooku, showing him with great fear in his eyes and a red and blue saber crossed just short of his neck."

ah e uma foto também
Daniel Logan, que interpretou Boba Fett ainda criança em Ataque dos Clones, esclareceu que a foto divulgada em agosto, na qual aparece com o uniforme do personagem (clique na figura para ampliá-la), não pertence a Star Wars: Episódio III. “Foi em uma convenção. Alguém lá tinha uma fantasia realmente muito boa de Boba Fett e me pediu para vesti-la. Então, eu vesti”, disse, em um recente chat no site oficial da saga. Quanto a seu envolvimento com A Vingança do Sith, o ator apenas provocou a curiosidade de todos: “Vocês vão ter que esperar até maio de 2005 para descobrirem.”

Cinema em Cena

aqui tem a foto

eu espero que ele não apareça muito nesse filme não. eu não gostei dele ter aparecido no II. se bem que o Jango foi bem da hora
Daniel Logan, que interpretou Boba Fett ainda criança em Ataque dos Clones, esclareceu que a foto divulgada em agosto, na qual aparece com o uniforme do personagem (clique na figura para ampliá-la), não pertence a Star Wars: Episódio III. “Foi em uma convenção. Alguém lá tinha uma fantasia realmente muito boa de Boba Fett e me pediu para vesti-la. Então, eu vesti”, disse, em um recente chat no site oficial da saga. Quanto a seu envolvimento com A Vingança do Sith, o ator apenas provocou a curiosidade de todos: “Vocês vão ter que esperar até maio de 2005 para descobrirem.”

Cinema em Cena

aqui tem a foto

eu espero que ele não apareça muito nesse filme não. eu não gostei dele ter aparecido no II. se bem que o Jango foi bem da hora
Daniel Logan, que interpretou Boba Fett ainda criança em Ataque dos Clones, esclareceu que a foto divulgada em agosto, na qual aparece com o uniforme do personagem (clique na figura para ampliá-la), não pertence a Star Wars: Episódio III. “Foi em uma convenção. Alguém lá tinha uma fantasia realmente muito boa de Boba Fett e me pediu para vesti-la. Então, eu vesti”, disse, em um recente chat no site oficial da saga. Quanto a seu envolvimento com A Vingança do Sith, o ator apenas provocou a curiosidade de todos: “Vocês vão ter que esperar até maio de 2005 para descobrirem.”

Cinema em Cena

aqui tem a foto

eu espero que ele não apareça muito nesse filme não. eu não gostei dele ter aparecido no II. se bem que o Jango foi bem da hora

Valinor 2023

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