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Especulação Aparecimento de Annatar na Série

A pillow talk deles (Disa-Dúrin) ia ser bem assim:

"Nossa benzinho....vc está NUM FOGO hoje, hein?"

Daí vão cunhar o neologismo....


Disappointed Will Ferrell GIF by PeacockTV
Conjecturas: É a Papoula. O Sauron matou ela e a família e tomou sua forma pra poder migrar despercebido pela Terra-média.
O Estranho cai justamente perto dela, presumindo alguma relação entre eles (tema do Sauron tocando durante a queda) mas que não pode ser esclarecida porque a chata da Nori se meteu onde não foi chamada.

Talvez, com o poder de se deslocar em velocidades preternaturais estando "unclad" e sem fana, Sauron pode ser tanto a Papoula quando a Disa virtualmente ao mesmo tempo. Eu ia rolar de rir.

Vai ser legal que, quando revelarem ser, seja lá quem for, vai fazer uma porrada de gente assistir a série INTEIRA de novo para avaliar a coisa retroativamente.
Última edição:

Read the books several times.Upvoted by
Cesar Alcaraz
, Big fan of Tolkien since 2013Updated 1y

Teleportation, which would better described as instantly travel by thought, existed in Middle Earth, but it was a power exclusive of the Ainur (Valar and Maiar).

And it could only be made in spirit form, without body, which they could assume again when they reached the desired location. So the Istari did have no teleport abilities, nor Morgoth. Sauron if he was or not bound to a body had still that power. Probably he had.
That angelic order to which Gandalf originally belonged: lesser in power and authority than the Valar, but of the same nature: members of the first order of created rational beings, who if they appeared in visible forms ('humane' or of other kind) were self-incarnated, or given their forms by the Valar [added later: and who could move/travel simply by an act of will when not arrayed in a body - which they could assume when they reached the places that.]
Teleport was literally limitless, the Ainur could go to any place of the universe at a blink, including to other regions, knowing or no those places.
The Valar and Maiar were essentially ‘spirits’, according to Elvish tradition given being before the making of Eä. They could go where they willed, that is could be present at once at any point in Eä where they desired to be.
An example of what teleport look like is when Melkor (when he still had this power) disappeared from the temple of evil Men.
And when we had built a great house, he came and stood before the high seat, and the house was lit as with fire. 'Now,' he said, 'come forth any who still listen to the Voice!' There were some, but for fear they remained still and said naught. 'Then bow before Me and acknowledge Me!' he said. And all bowed to the ground before him, saying: 'Thou art the One Great, and we are Thine.' Thereupon he went up as in a great flame and smoke, and we ' were scorched by the heat. But suddenly he was gone, and it was darker than night; and we fled from the House.
Thus we know that the Valar and Maiar could go to any place in a flash. The question is whether this power could be used to transport people and objects as the One Ring.

The answer is again… yes.

How do you think Oromë brought Ingwë, Finwë, and Elwë to Valinor? How do you think Lúthien went to Mandos and how she and Beren returned to Middle Earth? How do you think Oromë brought stores of weapons from Valinor to the first elves protect themselves?

The Valar and Maiar had unlimited powers of motion, yet this is not a detail that Tolkien cared to explain as it was a divine element of his mythology. The sufficient explanation is that they could do this, and could also transport things and people with them without the help of any device once they are spirits prior to the concept of space within the world.
Also during the period of the Exile of the Noldor the Valar had for the time being cut all communications (by physical means) between Aman and Middle-earth. The Valar could of course have arranged for the transference, if there was sufficiently grave reason.
Beren and Lúthien were either teleported or transported back to Middle Earth. Probably they were transported.
The rehoused fëa [spirit] will normally remain in Aman. Only in very exceptional cases as Beren and Lúthien will they be transported back to Middle-earth. [How perhaps need not be made any clearer than the mode by which the Valar in physical form could go from Aman to Middle-earth].
Is there any form of transportation that could be used to destroy the one ring? If you mean, by going to Orodruin instantly, technically yes. But no person in Middle Earth had that power except Sauron.

However, you need not overthink in-universe explanations to answer this more directly. A real reason is enough. This is a story, and it is almost completely based on the characters' journey and what they encounter along the way. So this unlimited power is not necessary. Replace teleport with eagles and the reason is the same.

Not everything that exists in-universe necessarily needs to agree with what the reader thinks. Often a writer makes economic use of certain mechanisms, he did not take them into account, or they simply were invented later. The second reason I think explains teleportation in Middle Earth and the One Ring
Vcs estão levando a sério comentário do Deriel? Amazon está pagando ele para disseminar fake news e nos despistar.
O legal é o inferninho da especulação criado. Só nessa já dá pra dar umas boas risadas lendo os tópicos do Reddit onde a teoria apareceu. E os olhos da Disa são relmente singulares.
O legal é o inferninho da especulação criado. Só nessa já dá pra dar umas boas risadas lendo os tópicos do Reddit onde a teoria apareceu. E os olhos da Disa são relmente singulares.
Vou falar, a Disa rouba qualquer cena. Espero q continue assim até o fim, depois a ela revelar que é um balrog.
Sauron é a Galadriel. Ela a aprisionou no Norte e assumiu sua forma. Foi até Aman, mas obviamente pulou fora do barco pra não ser reconhecido assim que pusesse seus pés na terra dos Valar. Só um Maia pra pular no meio do oceano e achar que tudo bem.
A intenção dele sempre foi chegar a Númenor, e vai manipular o seu povo pra eliminar a concorrência do Adar e retomar as terra do Sul para si.
Sejamos realistas - ou ele não apareceu ainda ou é Halbrand, O Estranho ou Adar

(eu já sei quem ele é)
quem é esse ator? vai aparecer e se mostrar Sauron?

Não sei quem é o carinha...presumo que de algum telejornal ou programa de auditório e escolhido pra simbolizar a gif de "teaser"....mas esses aí a gente conhece.

Tease GIF by Shark Week
skeet ulrich horror GIF

Mas, fora de brincadeira....não conte Deriel.
Deixa a gente "sofrer" mais um pouco pra saber quem será o "Admirável"... :D
Falando sério agora. Eu pensei que o Sauron iria aparecer já como Annatar, e não como Sauron. Então ele não seria ninguém que já apareceu na série, mas um personagem novo.
Cada episodio que passa, me dá mais a sensação que Sauron só vai aparecer no final da temporada.
Bem como a real identidade do Estranho.

Valinor 2023

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