Anna Cwen
Depois de um começo de ano empolgante, empaquei neste último mês. Demorei mais de 30 dias para terminar Incidente em Antares
27 - A Revolução dos Bichos - George Orwell (04/04) [impresso]
28 - Mr's McGrindy's Dead - Agatha Christie (05/04)
29 - The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins (08/04)
30 - Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins (11/04)
31 - Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins (13/04)
32 - They do it with Mirrors - Agatha Christie (16/04)
33 - After the Funeral - Agatha Christie (22/04)
34 - A Pocket Full of Rye - Agatha Christie (25/04)
35 - O Velho e o Mar - Ernest Hemmingway (27/04)
36 - Hickory Dicory Dock - Agatha Christie (30/04)
37 - Dead Man's Folly - Agatha Christie (09/05)
38 - Jogador Número 1 - Ernest Cline (13/05)
39 - Incidente em Antares - Erico Verissimo (14/06)
01 - Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brönte (03/01)
02 - Towards Zero - Agatha Christie (06/01)
03 - Little Lord Fautleroy - Frances Hodgson Burnes (08/01)
04 - The Girl with the dragon tatoo - Stieg Larson (14/01)
05 - The Girl who played with fire - Stieg Larson (20/01)
06 - the girl who kicked the hornet's nest - stieg larson (24/01)
07 - The Last Ringbearer - Kirill Eskov (31/01)
08 - Sleeping Murder - Agatha Christie (12/02)
09 - Treasure Island - Robert Stevenson (14/02)
10 - Sparkilng Cyanide - Agatha Christie (15/02)
11 - The Hollow - Agatha Christie (17/02)
12 - The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert L. Stevenson (18/02)
13 - Testemunhas Rebeldes - Georges Simenon (20/02)
14 - A Sala dos Homicídios - P. D. James (24/02) [impresso]
15 - Labours of Hercules - Agatha Christie (26/02)
16 - Ender's Shadow - Orson Scott Card (01/03)
17 - Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card (04/03)
18 - Taken by the Flood - Agatha Christie (07/03)
19 - Shadow of The Hegemon - Orson Scott Card (09/03)
20 - Shadow Puppets - Orson Scott Card (11/03)
21 - Crooked House - Agatha Christie (12/03)
22 - A Murder is Announced - Agatha Christie (15/03)
23 - Shadow of the Giant - Orson Scott Card (23/03)
24 - First Meetings - Orson Scott Card (25/03)
25 - They Came to Bagda - Agatha Christie (27/03)
26 - Ender in Exile - Orson Scott Card (31/03)
02 - Towards Zero - Agatha Christie (06/01)
03 - Little Lord Fautleroy - Frances Hodgson Burnes (08/01)
04 - The Girl with the dragon tatoo - Stieg Larson (14/01)
05 - The Girl who played with fire - Stieg Larson (20/01)
06 - the girl who kicked the hornet's nest - stieg larson (24/01)
07 - The Last Ringbearer - Kirill Eskov (31/01)
08 - Sleeping Murder - Agatha Christie (12/02)
09 - Treasure Island - Robert Stevenson (14/02)
10 - Sparkilng Cyanide - Agatha Christie (15/02)
11 - The Hollow - Agatha Christie (17/02)
12 - The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert L. Stevenson (18/02)
13 - Testemunhas Rebeldes - Georges Simenon (20/02)
14 - A Sala dos Homicídios - P. D. James (24/02) [impresso]
15 - Labours of Hercules - Agatha Christie (26/02)
16 - Ender's Shadow - Orson Scott Card (01/03)
17 - Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card (04/03)
18 - Taken by the Flood - Agatha Christie (07/03)
19 - Shadow of The Hegemon - Orson Scott Card (09/03)
20 - Shadow Puppets - Orson Scott Card (11/03)
21 - Crooked House - Agatha Christie (12/03)
22 - A Murder is Announced - Agatha Christie (15/03)
23 - Shadow of the Giant - Orson Scott Card (23/03)
24 - First Meetings - Orson Scott Card (25/03)
25 - They Came to Bagda - Agatha Christie (27/03)
26 - Ender in Exile - Orson Scott Card (31/03)
27 - A Revolução dos Bichos - George Orwell (04/04) [impresso]
28 - Mr's McGrindy's Dead - Agatha Christie (05/04)
29 - The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins (08/04)
30 - Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins (11/04)
31 - Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins (13/04)
32 - They do it with Mirrors - Agatha Christie (16/04)
33 - After the Funeral - Agatha Christie (22/04)
34 - A Pocket Full of Rye - Agatha Christie (25/04)
35 - O Velho e o Mar - Ernest Hemmingway (27/04)
36 - Hickory Dicory Dock - Agatha Christie (30/04)
37 - Dead Man's Folly - Agatha Christie (09/05)
38 - Jogador Número 1 - Ernest Cline (13/05)
39 - Incidente em Antares - Erico Verissimo (14/06)