Estando a pesquisar relatos extra-bíblicos, acabei me deparando com elementos deveras interessante acerca de um confronto que me lembrou as guerras em Beleriand: A guerra entre os filhos da luz vs filhos da escuridão - vulgo ""War Rule", "Rule of War", and the "War Scroll" - O embate em questão provém de textos contidos nos manuscristos do Mar Morto, e fala da organização militar de algumas tribus fieis as ordems divinas contra a tirania e devastação de seguidores de Belial:
The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, also known as "War Rule", "Rule of War", and the "War Scroll", is a manual for military organization and strategy that was discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The manuscript was among the scrolls found in Qumran Cave 1 acquired by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and first published by Eleazar Sukenik in 1955.[1] The document is made up of various scrolls and fragments including 1QM, and 4Q491-497.[2] It is possible that The War of the Messiah is the conclusion to this document.[3] The 4Q491-497 fragments were published by Baillet in Discoveries in the Judean Desert, 7 and comprise a shorter recension of the War Scroll.[4]
Antes do parelelo do texto e a guerra das jóias, é imperioso verificar certos fatos que precederam a fuga dos Noldor em direção à Beleriand. Primeiramente, o silmarillion pontifica que a guerra das Jóias teve a participação de 3 povos (homens, elfos e anões), 3 grandes clãs humanos (divisão dos Edain em: o clã de Haleth, a casa de Beor e o povo de Hador). O manuscrito do Mar Morto descreve 3 importantes tribos contra os filhos da escuridão: os filhos de Levi, os filhos de Judá e os filhos de Benjamin. Aí que vem, na minha opinião, um paralelo deveras simbólico com o Legendarium, o que, neste caso, ecoa em certos fatos que precedem a fuga dos Noldor: O roubo das Silmarills, o fraticídio em Alqualonde e a maldição de Mandos sobre os exilados:
O texto apócrifo fala que um dos participantes da guerra são os denominados filhos de Levi, que, pessoalmente, atribuo certas características com os filhos e seguidores de Feanor. Vide três fatos correlacionados (para mim) aos eventos que eu supracitei acima. Em sequência: o sequestro de Dinah (, o massacre à cidade de Shechem (, e o mais importante elemento desse paralelo - a maldição concedida aos seguidores e descendentes de Levi, em face do injusto ataque aos habitantes de Shechem (
Levi and Simeon destroy the city of Shechem in revenge for the rape of Dinah, seizing the wealth of the city, and killing the men. In the Blessing of Jacob, Jacob is described as imposing a curse on the Levites, by which they would be scattered, in punishment for Levi's actions in Shechem;[18] textual scholars date the Blessing of Jacob to a period between just one and two centuries prior to the Babylonian captivity,[2][19] and some Biblical scholars regard this curse, and Dinah herself as an aetiological postdiction to explain the fates of the tribe of Simeon and the Levites, the simpler explanation of the Levites' scattered nature being that the priesthood was originally open to any tribe, but gradually became seen as a distinct tribe itself (the Levites).
Os segundos combatentes na guerra da luz e escuridão: os filhos de Judá. Poderia haver uma analogia da rivalidade entre Feanor e seus irmãos; a traição entre os parentes e a retirada da primogenitura/sucessão de direito informada por uma profecia? Se sim, a correlação com o (possível) equivalente Tolkieniano é invertida em alguns aspectos. A história de Judá ( é marcada pelo ciúme nutrido pelos irmãos mais velhos de José em razão dos favores e afeição do seu pai Jacó, segue-se então uma certa rivalidade entre eles, a traição externada por esse sentimento (o abandono e escravidão à José no Egito), bem como a reaproximação/perdão concedida pelo filho traído, e a
(profetizada) espoliação sucessória em favor do filho caçula - é de se perguntar a aplicação desses conceitos na história de Tolkien - a disputa entre Fingolfin e Feanor, a traição de Feanor ao seu irmão na travessia à Beleriand ("voltem para a prisão dos Valar"), o momento de necessidade de Maedhros como primogênito da família, que precede, nesse caso, o resgate feito por Fingon e a espoliação em favor de Fingolfin (que não tinha esse direito) profetizada por Mandos:
The brothers become jealous of the second youngest, Joseph, who is favoured by their father Jacob and who tells them of dreams in which they bow down to him. One day the brothers went off to pasture their flocks and Joseph, loving his older brothers and wanting to be included went after them. He wasn't sure where they had gone but a man, who is thought to be an angel by commentaries, showed him the direction his brothers ventured off in.
O Juramento que fizeram os motivará, e ao mesmo tempo os trairá, arrancando de suas mãos os próprios tesouros que juraram procurar. Um final funesto terão todas as coisas que eles iniciarem com êxito; e isso se dará pela traição de irmão por irmão, e pelo medo da traição. Para sempre serão eles Os Espoliados
Logo, e como Mandos previra, a Casa de Fëanor passou a ser chamada de os Espoliados, por ter sido passado para a Casa de Fingolfin o direito, que era seu por primogenitura,
A guerra dos filhos da escuridão expõe a atuação de uma sinistra: Belial ( - senhor dos filhos das trevas, inimigos dos filhos da luz. Belial, onde todos os seus domínios são eivados de trevas, o grande corruptor: "But for corruption thou hast made Belial, an angel of hostility. All his dominions are in darkness, and his purpose is to bring about wickedness and guilt. All the spirits that are associated with him are but angels of destruction." - Sobre Belial, o demonônio guarda muitas, mas muitas semelhanças com Sauron. Em razão disso, falarei dele em um outro evento cronológico do Silmarillion. Mas sobre a guerra, o livro apócrifo descreve 7 grandes batalhas entre os inimigos. No que tange ao Legendarium:
The First Battle of Beleriand was fought before the Noldor arrived, and was fought by the Sindar and Laiquendi Elves. The Second Battle was Dagor-nuin-Giliath ("Battle-under-Stars"), fought by the Noldor following Fëanor and his Seven Sons, in which the Noldor were victorious but Fëanor was slain by Balrogs. During this battle the Battle of Lhammoth was fought by the host of Fingolfin. The Third Battle was Dagor Aglareb ("Glorious Battle"), which led to the Siege of Angband. Various minor battles were fought during the Siege which are not counted. The Fourth Battle was the Dagor Bragollach ("Battle of Sudden Flame"), in which the Siege was broken and Fingolfin was slain by Morgoth.
The Fifth Battle was the Nírnaeth Arnoediad ("Unnumbered Tears"), in which the Noldor were utterly defeated Years later, the Battle of Tumhalad, in which the elven forces under Orodreth and Túrin were defeated by Angband forces under Glaurung, led to the sack of Nargothrond. It was the last battle of the Elves of the kingdom of Nargothrond. It was fought on the plain of Tumhalad between the river Narog and its tributary, the river Ginglith.[3]
The Last Battle of Beleriand, called the Great Battle and the War of Wrath, ended the First Age of Arda and destroyed Beleriand, for the wrath of the Valar was so great that it caused Beleriand to sink under the Sea.
Sem dissentir:
1QM consists of 19 columns, of which the first 14-19 lines of each have been preserved.[14]
i. Summarizes the war between the “Sons of Light” and “Sons of Darkness.”
ii-ix. Deals with the battles between the tribes in greater detail, telling of a total forty years of combat. Columns iii-iv deal almost exclusively with the inscriptions meant to be displays on banners, trumpets, darts, etc.
x-xiv. A number of liturgical pieces.
xv-xix. Describes the seven-stage battle, led by the priests, between Light and Darkness. The battle is finally won by divine intervention.[15]
Because xv-xix is believed to describe the war which took place in the first seven years of the forty year war, many scholars feel that, at one time, more columns existed.
Interessante notar que o final dos grandes embates têm em comum uma intervenção divina/providencial para vitória dos filhos da luz.
A guerra da ira ainda ecoa os elementos que referenciam os integrantes dos exércitos divinos,
3 grandes grupos, uma guerra que durou aproximandamente 40 anos
(forty year war/War of Wrath - Date: FA 545 - FA 587)
Describes the seven-stage battle, led by the priests, between Light and Darkness. The battle is finally won by divine intervention.
- Ambos os exércitos liderados por servidores do Divino (priest/maiar), e não esquecendo de um
Deus ex Machina Clássico:
O confronto dos exércitos do oeste e do norte é chamado de Grande Batalha e de Guerra da Ira. Para ela, reuniu-se todo o poder do Trono de Morgoth, e ele assumiu dimensões tão extraordinárias.¹ que não houve espaço em Anfauglith para contê-lo; e todo o norte se inflamou com a guerra². E todas as escavações de Morgoth foram destruídas e expostas a céu aberto; e o poder dos Valar penetrou nas profundezas da terra.
Bem, esta imagem aqui vale por um milhão de palavras:
¹: Já li numa matéria da Super Interessante que se todos os seres humanos (de hoje: 7 bilhões) fossem reunidos em uma só área, a humanidade ocuparia a área do Paraguai, numa área total de 406.750 Km² - E se todos os contigentes de Angband conseguiram inflamar o norte (Anfauglith ocuparia, na escala oferecida, aproximadamente 37.500 Km²). Imagina os milhões do exército de Melkor.
²: Seria essa "dimensão extraordinária" uma referência apocalíptica do exército dos 200 milhões de cavaleiros? Num exercício de imaginação, é só tirar as montarias leoninas cuspidoras de fogo e substituir pelas
serpentes de ferro tank-like que os orcs usaram no cerco à Gondolin. Isso explicaria um pouco mais da devastação sofrida por Beleriand:
A guerra contra os filhos de Belial não fora totalmente me vão, mas o embate entre os seres das trevas e os da luz não acaba por aí. E isso não somente para o Legenadium, mas também para outros contos acerca do confronto. E isso ocorre na atlântida. Não o continente/ilha perdido(a) nos mitos e contos da antiguidade, mas estou falando de a fascinante atlântida de maior "profeta" da era contemporânea: Edgar Cayce - - O embate entre os filhos de Belial e os Filhos do "Um". Qualquer semelhança (não) é mera coincidência:
In Atlantean land during periods when there were activities that brought about questionings that arose between the two great forces, the period before the first destruction of the land — among children of Law of One who cared much about those "things" that were parts of the activity having been brought about by the great teacher in those experiences — entity aided in helping these to overcome, when they became aware of the relationships of the individual entity to the universal consciousness of God.27
Over time, with the advent of civilization and technology, the divisions between the Adamic and pre-Adamic races became increasingly more apparent. Whereas the Adamic race held on to the belief in the one God who had specially created them, the pre-Adamic race refuted the belief in the existence of God, instead focusing on the acquisition of wealth and power — worshipping the creature rather than the Creator. As these differences became more and more clear, the world came to be divided into two basic divisions: the Sons of the Law of One, those who held to the belief in the one God as the Creator of the universe and of mankind, and the Sons of Belial, those who denied the existence of God and instead worshipped themselves. Cayce explained it thus: "In Atlantean land during those periods of early rise of sons of Belial as oppositions that became more and more materialized as the powers were applied for self-aggrandizement."28 This "self-aggrandizement" took the form of the accumulation of wealth and power into the hands of a very few, with the result being extreme social stratification, where perhaps only a few dozens or hundreds of beings ruled over millions of slaves. This situation, of course, was unacceptable to the Sons of the Law of One:
We find that in those periods there was not a laboring for the sustenance of life (as in the present, but rather individuals who were children of the Law of One — and some who were the children of Belial (in the early experience) — were served by automatons, or THINGS, that were retained by individuals or groups to do the labors of a household, or to cultivate the fields or the like, or to perform the activities of artisans. And it was concerning these "things" about which much of the disturbing forces grew to be factors to be reckoned with, between the children of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial.29
While The Sons of the Law of One were busy developing tools of mass instruction about God and his plans for mankind, the Sons of Belial had been hard at work developing weapons of mass destruction in order to enslave mankind. From the sound of this, it appears that in Atlantis, the peaceful coexistence — and possible intermarriage — between the Sons of the Law of One and the children of Belial ceased, and two distinct factions developed. The sons of Belial had apparently tired of the compassionate, humanistic approach of the Sons of the Law of One and, instead of using their technological prowess to help benefit mankind, tried to use it to conquer the world. In Atlantean land during the periods of exodus due to foretelling or foreordination of activities which were bringing about destructive forces. Among those who were not only in Yucatan but in the Pyrenees and Egyptian land.
São muitas as coincidência com o equivalente rimado dos Fieis de Eru e os Homens do Rei/seguidores de Sauron: Divisão de sociedade/religião, a busca pela dominação de Arda, o aumento desenfreado de armas, a fuga dos fiéis. Alta tecnologia Numenoriana espelhada em Navios de Metal (movidos a vapor), Mísseis teleguiados, navios voadores, escudos impenetráveis, e sem contar com lançadores de raio (na invasão à Valinor) descritos nas HOME, algo que remete ao "Raio da Morte" de Nikolas Tesla: