Não é bem uma entrevista, né? São perguntas dos fãs e tal...
Olha, o James Marsden e o Patrick Stewart falaram um pouco sobre o filme tb:
James Marsden says that things are better on the X2 set and that you can expect a bigger movie. "We're having fun, because everyone's shoulders have dropped, a few inches, since the first movie came out and it was a success. And now we're doing X2, and its going to be bigger and better. I've seen the movie, most of it, cut together. Its just a better movie. In the first movie I was just getting used to the suits, and the visor. The suits now are more comfortable, and I can see more out the visor.
What is Marsden's favorite set on the second film? "I think the X-Jet is pretty cool. We had the X-Jet on the first film, but it was this cramped quarters. This time it's much bigger."
Patrick Stewart liked the White House set more. "I think I actually enjoyed being the oval office, most of all. Although I'm told the set is 10 times bigger than the actual real thing."
And what is Prof. Xavier's coolest gadget or prop on the set? "My wheelchair. It's a wonderful piece of construction. I enjoy being in it. I work in it a lot. Its the only role that I have in which you know when the rest breaks come I get up and walk around."
Ahahahaha... legal isso. Stewart disse que esse é o único filme que na pausa pro descanso ele levanta e anda por aí. Sério, ficar horas sentado naquela cadeira do rodas deve cansar mesmo.