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Neil Gaiman perde contrato com Dark Horse por acusações de abuso sexual
Neil Gaiman perde contrato com Dark Horse por acusações de abuso sexual

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[News] Grant Morrison's Rolling Stone interview hits differently now...
by u/YodaFan465 in comicbooks
I work tangentially to the publishing industry, and the closer you got to it all, the more it went from "open secret" to "missing stair." I was told not to make a big public deal about it for a long time, which I respected because those weren't my stories to tell, but women in his professional orbit were warned not to be alone with him in a room. Knowing that fact soured me on most of his work -- try reading How to Talk to Girls at Parties now, I dare you. But even as forewarned as I was, I wasn't prepared for the full extent of what he'd done. I truly can't imagine learning all this just now as someone who thought he was exactly the person he pretended to be.
há 13 dias
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Yep - I thought it was a “normal” Famous Man Abuses Fan Trust thing, exacerbated by the fact that she was his au pair.
That man can burn.
Avatar de u/subjuggulator
há 12 dias
Fans and students, don’t forget. Once he started touring/being a guest lecturer at universities, it also became an open secret that he was fucking the students.
@Deriel, na volta pra casa, compra Nebacetinbenzadeus pelo menos um se salva. eu boto minha mão no fogo pelo alan moore também (a wild @Ilmarinen appears in 3... 2...)
Robert Rankin on Terry Pratchett working with NG
by u/Endlesstree12 in neilgaiman
that he thought Neil was a narcissistic prick that was difficult to work with.
That's kind of my assumption too... There's this that he wrote about Neil, for example:
"It might come as a surprise to many to learn that Neil is either a very nice, approachable guy or an incredible actor."
It's one of those things where it can be interpreted in different ways depending on how well you know Neil... Before, the "incredible actor" bit reads as a joke, but now it stands out more and seems truthful ... (my guess is he might've thought he was a bit of a pretentious asshole who could put on a polite front, albeit someone who was good to "talk shop" with occasionally).