I'm not sure how online you are, but I have to ask if you're aware of a certain line of yours from a few episodes ago that has kind of become a meme now.
ARTHUR: Oh, tell me. Which is it?
It's the line where Durin says to Elrond, "Give me the meat and give it to me raw."
ARTHUR: Yes, I've heard of this. Yes, yes. All right. So has this become a thing? This is exciting. (laughs) What I like is the... (laughs) Yeah. It's the double entendre to that, which is great. What's most revealing is who gets what out of it. So if you are to think of it in a different way from how it was meant on set, I think that says more about you as a viewer than it does about Durin. My cheeks are hurting from smiling so much here, but I do like it. I would definitely be one of those people who would go, "Hang on. Did he just say, 'Give me the meat, give it to me raw?' Yes, I think he did. Wow." I am of that mentality as well, so I join you in the memes.